Write, submit, and promote your story to Agile Insider

Share your insights with 22,000+ practitioners

Nis Frome
Agile Insider
3 min readAug 29, 2020


Agile Insider is the premier publication and community for agile practitioners on Medium. Since launching in 2017, we’ve published 1,000+ articles submitted by 100+ contributors, and have grown to more than 22,000 followers.

Writing for Agile Insider is an opportunity to reach our growing audience of product managers, build your brand within the industry, and join a vibrant community of writers and industry leaders.

Submitting an article

  • If you are already an approved author on Agile Insider, submit your article using Medium’s “Add to publication” feature. Please make sure that your article fits our editorial guidelines below.
  • If you are not yet an approved author on Agile Insider, complete this form once you have an article ready for review. Please make sure that your article fits our editorial guidelines below.

Editorial guidelines

The following are three simple rules for articles on Agile Insider.

1. Write about a high-impact topic

Agile Insider publishes articles about iteration, customer-centricity, and cross-functional collaboration applied to various industries and professions.

We are looking for articles in these disciplines:

  • Product management
  • Research
  • Design
  • Data
  • Engineering

We are looking for articles with these focuses:

  • Case studies and examples
  • Guides, how-to’s, and product reviews
  • Strategy and planning
  • Career advice
  • Recruiting and interviewing

2. Provide evidence

Agile Insider features real stories from practitioners, not theoretical playbooks. It’s important to support the topics you write about with strong sources. Readers need to see the proof that your recommendations are effective.

There are three forms of evidence, from most powerful to least powerful, that you can include in your articles:

  • Personal experiences
  • Credible data sources
  • Quotes from experts

3. Ensure that your article is readable

Please remember to think about your article from a readers’ point of view. Shorter sentences and paragraphs help make an article more readable.

While we will sometimes collaborate with authors to adjust their articles for Agile Insider, we frequently reject articles that stray too far from our editorial guidelines.

Here are some recommendations to ensure that your article is readable and engaging:

  • Craft a descriptive, attention-grabbing and benefit-oriented title. Readers decide whether they want to read your article, in large part, based on the title. Highlight what the reader will gain from reading your article. When you see the title, Seven Conversion Funnels That Mobile Product Managers Need to Measure, you can clearly understand what you will learn from the article.
  • Write an engaging introduction with a clear thesis. If readers don’t get excited by your article within the first couple of paragraphs, they’re likely to stop reading. Provide a relatable story, a short and easy to understand summary, and/or an explanation of the benefits they will receive from reading on.
  • Add images. At a minimum, include a banner image at the top of your article that grabs attention.
  • Write between 400 and 1,200 words.
  • For examples, below are some of the most popular articles on Agile Insider:

Promoting your article

First and foremost, you should promote your article on LinkedIn. Don’t just post a link though. It’s more effective to post a key quote and pose a question to your network, then put the link to the article in the first comment.

Further, Agile Insider offers several opportunities to extend the reach of you and your content:

  • Free: If your article gets enough views and claps, it’ll temporarily be featured in our POPULAR section on our homepage.
  • Promoted content: For $25/month, your article will be featured in our PROMOTED section on the top of our homepage and in our monthly newsletter.
  • Promoted CTA: For $50/month, your profile, business, or offer will be featured in the Agile Insider navigation bar and in our monthly newsletter. We recommend this option for consultants and startups who want to promote themselves to our community of 22,000 product managers, project managers, engineers, and researchers.

To inquire about promoting your content, product, or services, submit this brief form.

