What are sponsored AgileVentures members doing?

Federico Esparza
Published in
5 min readMar 18, 2019

The AgileVentures Sponsorship program is supporting a lot of different folks around the world and alumni are going on to great new things. Here are some of the recent highlights:

Harshdeep is based in India has been getting involved in the Metplus project, and the Human Connection Kubernetes devops. He had some lovely thoughts to share about the AV mentors:

Thanks to … all the mentor(s) here . I feel like you are all Mr. Miyagi shaping me into the next karate kid of programming. So I humbly bow my head to give my respect to you all great mentors and maybe one day I will have much experience in life I will also guide someone as a mentor.


Faith is based in Kenya and has been contributing to a variety of AV supported open source projects including LocalSupport, RFM, WikiEduDashboard, and Human Connection. She’s been explaining the AgileVentures experience to others:

I happened to explain to someone today what I have been up to for the past 10+ months. My heart was filled with joy as I gave a summary of it. It was a description of what I have learned during my time at AgileVentures as a Premium member. I’ve acquired and improved on the skills I had so much desire for building/improving on just to mention a few is communication, my technical capacity, agile principles, assertiveness, and CONFIDENCE. Confidence has indeed shaped and influenced my steep learning curve.

I have participated in lots of pairing sessions outside AgileVentures and the I get completely different vibes. At AV my experience has been more of come as you are we’re going to be patient with you as you learn whereas in my other experiences, I have always felt the pressure that I should join a pairing session knowing everything.

It’s my pleasure to express my gratitude towards the supportive environment, AgileVentures has given me. AgileVentures to me is living proof that our sum is greater than our parts.

Thank-you all for being part of my amazing journey.

And she’s just travelled to the US to present at a major technology conference!

Mariam is based in Morroco and attended a number of mobs whilst also making important contributions to the NHS wiki project. Here’s what she has to say about the mob sessions:

My experience so far with the mobs is very good I get to learn new stuff every session and the best part is that it makes learning much more fun and easier
especially with people coming from different backgrounds and experiences. I plan to attend more mobs especially in technologies that I’m not very familiar with, as well as become more active in the ones that I’m currently in.

and Mariam has now converted her AgileVentures experience into a software development position at HiddenFounders.


Other sponsored members include Eniwoke, who is based in Nigeria and is working as a mentor and project reviewer for Udacity, while attending the Premium Ethereum mobs at AgileVentures. He’s hoping to find a Data Science position that supports remote work.


There’s also Cire, who is based in Senegal and is freelancing as a web developer. He’s currently building a web app for E-info, a recruitment agency, while attending the Premium Rails TDD mob at AgileVentures and is hoping to find a software developer position. According to Cire:

during sessions people take their time to explain you basic things if you ask. You never get frustrated for not knowing something.

There’s also a big contingent of sponsored members based in Kenya:

  • Mike who is working on various AgileVentures open source projects including WebsiteOne, HumanConnection and SingForNeeds, and is in the process of starting a new Premium mob on Python/Flask. He’s also completed the Udemy React and Elixir courses made available to him via the Premium mob sponsorship.
  • Getty who is a member of the Podii developer collective. She is working on various coding projects there while attending the Premium Elixir mobs at AgileVentures.
  • Okoth who is also a member of the Podii developer collective, and is working on various coding projects there while attending the Premium Elixir mobs at AgileVentures. He’s contributed to the AgileVentures LocalSupport project.
  • Sigu is the founder of the Podii developer collective, and is working on various coding projects there while doing F2F sessions with Dr. Joseph on the AV Jitsi infrastructure and attending the Premium Elixir Mobs.

And last, but certainly not least is Matt who is based in Brazil and has been doing a lot of coding on projects too numerous to mention. He’s been taken on by AgileVentures as a contractor working on the NHS and HumanConnection projects.

A big thank you from all of us at AgileVentures to all the sponsors for providing the funds to make all the above possible. If you know anyone who’d like to be sponsored onto an AgileVentures Premium program or anyone who’d be interested in contributing please see https://www.agileventures.org/sponsorship for more details.



Federico Esparza

Software Engineer, Musician — Art, Tech, Entrepreneurship, and Philanthropy