10 Quotes Show Nancy & Ronald Reagan’s Enduring Love And Commitment ❤️

Aging In Beauty
Aging In Beauty 🌸
4 min readMar 31, 2017


Forget Romeo and Juliet — the saga of Ronald and Nancy Reagan is the great love story of our time. From their whirlwind Hollywood romance to the presidency, and through Reagan’s battle with Alzheimer’s, it was always clear that he and his wife were head over heels in love. And with the recent passing of the beloved former first lady (due to heart failure), we can’t help but look back on a few of the most touching quotes about love and commitment from Mr. and Mrs. Reagan:

1. Life began with Ronald Reagan

“When I say my life began with Ronnie, well, it’s true. It did. I can’t imagine life without him.”

Ronald and Nancy Reagan were a team, but before they joined forces, they were both actors. They had the capability to accomplish great things on their own, but the two admitted that they were always better together.

2. One of many letters from Ronald Reagan

“You should…be aware of how essential you are in this man’s life. By his own admission, he is completely in love with you.”

Being on the road was often a lonely ordeal for Ronald Reagan, who comforted himself by writing his wife adoring letters. His chief goal was to show his wife just how much he…

