
Aglaé | Stories
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2018
Photo by Jesse Williams

Where did all the love words go?
Where have all the poets gone?
Why did all the dreams give up?
What have all the wanderers got?

The world gets simpler by the day
A one plus one, an ‘A’ or ‘B’
Aim for the goal, follow the path
There’s just one way to get a chance

To enjoy the ride is what I’ve learned
Not to battle a fight ’til death
A struggle to get your name out there
If you’re not there who’ll ever care?

If only you would open your mind
If only you wanted to look inside
I assure, you would find out
That there’s a world hidden behind

But, why approach me when you’re not
Willing to give yourself some thought
What’s the point of being my friend
When you’re clearly never there

Those fast moments are long gone
Such a waste to not want more
Such a shame to lose my time
For by my side you’ll never fly

So, is this all there is for me?
A hole, a pain, a lonely dream?
A wild direction to be feared
Not share with you what I achieve

When did romance grow so old?
When there’s still so much untold
Why has love been dumped from top?
And life has only got so rough?

Think again my lovely friend
For you may see one of these days
What you have done is meant for nothing
When all you’ve got is to be lonely

I will be here, nevertheless
Although, perhaps too far away
I won’t be waiting, come to find me
You know I will welcome you warmly

