A girl’s dream to be multi-planetary

Arushi Chaudhry
AgniKul's blog
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2021

Why space exploration?

Humans are marvelous creatures; to discover truths about our universe, we have sent a spacecraft (Voyager-1) 22.8 billion km away from our home. We can see objects that are 9 billion light-years away from our planet just because we as a species are curious. We are explorers, it is coded deep within us. This curiosity has driven the discovery of almost every landmass on earth, uncovering and employing the extensive resources in our ecosystem. The next step is a journey through the cosmos to explore and uncover a world that could sustain humanity.

But do we really need to spend billions each year on space exploration when we could be using these funds to solve the hunger crisis or unemployment ON Earth? Why sacrifice so much to fulfill this desire?

I think it is worth it for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, time and again we have witnessed that with exploration, rewards follow. We can’t sit back and wait to find the solutions to all our problems on Earth. Time is a cruel master which robs us of staying put. As we move ahead in time, the limited resources on Earth perish with it. If we do not acquire these resources from extraterrestrial bodies including nearby planets, asteroids or seek refuge on other Earth-like ecosystems, humanity will succumb to a similar fate. We need to make humanity multi-planetary because it is necessary for humankind’s survival.

Additionally, space exploration immediately presents a broader perspective. When we realize that our problems and differences are even smaller than the mote of dust suspended in the sunbeam which is Earth itself, it drives unity and forces us as a species to work in concordance.

Voyager 1's Pale Blue Dot (Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech) — The image inspired the title of scientist Carl Sagan’s book, “Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space”

My dream.

I know it is a cliche but I have always been fascinated by the stars in the night sky, to look into that blue-black yonder and wonder about our place in this vast universe, there was something more about it than just fascination, there was an itch, a restless drive to go out there & share that with fellow beings.

I have a dream to take humanity to Mars, not just because it is a need of humanity (ya, it’s there), but for the sake of thrill, adventure, and as a sign of hope.

A request to all women.

As a girl I have seen that women have always been told to fight for what they want, to prove that they can achieve the same things as men. It is important to be a fighter but today I want them to listen to a small curious voice in them that asks why?

Why Is our universe like this? Why do we know about quasars and pulsars and other space objects that we would have never come across in our entire lifetime? It is because we are curious beings, we are always on the lookout to discover something new. We take risks and put in the effort to achieve what we saw as a dream.

I request you to fight for your dream, you will always have to!

You should work for the world that you created in your mind, the dreams that you have. Fight to protect your dream, not because you have to prove it to anyone but because you want to do it.

All that said, be it women or men, the first ones to go there will have to make sacrifices: leave their families, loved ones, and walk in the face of uncertainty.

“When they land there, for that brief moment when they touch the Martian soil, see the Martian landscapes, everything will be worth it. Whatever they will see, they will be seeing for the whole of humankind.” — MARS (TV series) by National Geographic

