Automating Code Cleanup for Better Software Development

Agoda Engineering
Agoda Engineering & Design
3 min readOct 26, 2023

Clean and well-structured code is the backbone of efficient software development. It enhances readability and maintainability, making collaboration among developers smoother. However, achieving clean code isn’t always straightforward. This article delves into the significance of clean code, the role of linting, and the tools and practices that can streamline the code cleanup process.

Why Do We Want Clean Code?

Clean code is the foundation of robust software. Its importance lies in several key aspects:

  • Code is Read More Than It’s Written: Code isn’t just written; it’s read repeatedly throughout its lifecycle. Clean code aids comprehension.
  • Consistency Enhances Readability: A consistent coding style improves readability and simplifies maintenance.
  • Poorly Written Code Can Be Detrimental: Neglecting code cleanliness can lead to issues and even disrupt production.

Two Goals of Clean Code

Clean code serves two primary purposes:

  • Bug Prevention (Quality): Clean code is less prone to bugs, ensuring higher quality.
  • Increasing Readability (Velocity): Readable code accelerates development, boosting project velocity.

Traditional vs. Automated Code Reviews

In the past, manual code reviews were the primary method to ensure clean code. Yet, they posed challenges:

  • Inconsistent feedback due to varied reviewers.
  • Absence of standardized documentation.
  • The labor-intensive nature of manual processes.

To bridge these gaps, there’s been a move towards automated tools like Linting that offer a more uniform approach to ensuring clean code.

Linting and Its Pivotal Role in Code Quality

Lint is the computer science term for a static code analysis tool that flags programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors, and suspicious constructs. The term originates from a Unix utility that examined C language source code. A program that performs this function is also known as a “linter.”

Each programming language typically has its own set of linting tools and guidelines. For instance, JavaScript and TypeScript developers commonly use ESLint, while C# developers may opt for Roslyn-based tools. Linters identify code issues and provide recommendations for improvement.

Linting isn’t confined to Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines can be configured to integrate linting into the development process. Platforms like GitLab can display code quality checks on merge requests, ensuring that problematic code doesn’t infiltrate the codebase.

Automated Code Fixes vs Detection

A prominent discussion is the balance between detection and fixing. While linters identify code issues, automated fixes address them. Fixing them manually can be time-consuming. These fixes scale efficiently and save resources, enabling developers to concentrate on their work rather than manual cleanup.

Building a Robust Code Review Culture

The journey to clean code isn’t solely about tools; it involves educating your team and gaining their buy-in. To genuinely improve code quality:

  • Education and Communication: Developers must understand the benefits of linting and static code analysis. Only with this knowledge will they adopt best practices wholeheartedly.
  • Consistency and Engagement: Establishing consistent rules across teams and gamifying the code review process can boost motivation and engagement.
  • Tailored Approaches: Recognizing that no single approach is a one-size-fits-all solution is essential. While global standards are beneficial, certain projects might demand unique linting rules or review processes.

By embracing the right tools and upholding a commitment to clean code, you can create a more productive and enjoyable development experience while minimizing errors and bugs in your software.



Agoda Engineering
Agoda Engineering & Design

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