What we learned at HUBweek

HUBweek was a powerful experience that connected us with new users both on and offline

Agora Blog
2 min readOct 6, 2016


If you were anywhere near Boston last week, chances are you heard about HUBweek, a weeklong idea festival that brings together innovators and big thinkers. As Agora is the official idea platform for HUBweek, our fingerprints were all over their signature events: Our Convention, Design Challenge, and Demo Day. Here’s what we’ve learned.

Lesson #1: Helium balloons are banned at any convention center

Saalik is about to escort our balloons to the ballon prison

Lesson #2: Agora doesn’t replace in-person meetings. We make them 10x better

We gained important insights into how people share ideas with their communities. During the Design Challenge, we realized that it’s easy to come up with ideas when everyone is physically in the same room — but as soon as the in-person part is over, the most common refrain we heard from people was:

My greatest fear at the end of a great [in-person] ideation session is whether great ideas will get lost between these meetings.

This is exactly the pain point we’re trying to solve. So it feels pretty good to see that people are using Agora as the idea repository to keep up with the ideation process :)

Lesson #3: Millennials love to share their ideas, if the right channel exists

During Our Convention, we saw just how many incredible ideas young professionals in Boston have about complex and important issues such as racial inequality, equation, housing, education, and youth engagement.

Most people would think a tech-saturated generation such as these young professionals have no shortage of digital channels to share their ideas. Well, most people are wrong about this. There are many social media channels to share something, but all of them are noisy AF. That’s why millennials kind of tune out — because there really isn’t a place for them to have conversations that are meaningful, with a meaningful set of people.

So we saw Agora put into action, as an online platform where millennials can come together and make the magic happen.

Isabel (left) and Alan (right) have a unique way to celebrate a successful HUBweek

