Product Update: Create a Community

The newest feature allows you to nest similar idea rooms into a larger space, called a Community

Agora Blog
1 min readSep 12, 2016


Now you can create rooms within a community

We all live and socialize within a number of communities. A constituency is a community. An office is a community. A book club is a community. A group of friends that likes to get together and bake guacamole chip cookies is a community. Sometimes, communities bleed into one another; though often, we compartmentalize. We separate our guacamole enthusiasm from the workplace; we don’t talk politics at book club. That’s ok- as social creatures, we aren’t meant to be locked into one space.

Agora is reflecting that in our latest feature. You may have a number of rooms for work, a couple for yourself, some with friends. By grouping rooms of similar content and members into communities, you can allow ideas to incubate in a more contextualized space. You can separate one community and set of ideas from the others without having to use other technologies.

To make a community and build rooms within it, check out Agora now. Enjoy!

