Slack Integration!

Add ideas without disrupting your workflow.

Agora Blog
2 min readNov 7, 2016


Exciting news! Now that we’re integrated with Slack, it’s easier than ever to share your ideas whenever inspiration strikes.

Let’s say you’re talking with a few coworkers on Slack about themes that come up when talking to clients. You realize that you have an idea that you should bring up with the web development team. Instead of leaving Slack, opening Agora, adding the idea, and tracking it there, you can just mention the Agora Bot and add your idea on Slack. You’ll also get Slack notifications about your Agora idea! Here’s how it works:

  • In the admin panel of a room, the moderator can choose to authenticate Slack.
  • In Slack, there will be a channel called “Agora Notifications.”
  • From there you can mention @agora in any channel and you can add an idea by talking to the bot.
  • The idea will go into the room from which Slack was originally integrated.
  • When people comment on ideas in that room, there are notifications in the Agora Notifications channel for the whole team to see.

Check out this sample idea I made:

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

We’re really excited about this integration. Slack is a widely used, much-loved platform and now Slack users have access to us. The busiest of users can allow their ideas to take off without leaving their workflow. Plus, notifications are right there in Slack, keeping users engaged. It’s a match made in tech-heaven.

Get started with Agora at As always, reach out to us with questions about bringing Agora to your workplace, or just to say hello!

