SDK version 2.1.1: What’s included in this release?

Sid Sharma
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2018

Hi everyone! 👋 We just released v2.1.1 of our Client SDKs and I’d like to introduce some of the great new features!

Enhanced audio effect input from built-in microphone

During a video call or live broadcast, a user may want to alter their voice input from built-in microphone to create fun sound effect. With this release, the Agora SDK enables users to enhance the local audio effects from the built-in microphone with the setLocalVoiceEqualization and setLocalVoiceReverb APIs by implementing voice equalization and reverberation effects.

Why this will improve your experience:

  • Your users can create more fun and engaging audio effects

Custom Video Source and Video Sink

This new interface not only provides unified Video Input / Output data paths, but also provides state-based APIs for application to synchronize custom video device.Previously, all of the processes would run on the CPU. Now, we have some of the processes, such as the software encoder, running on the GPU to ensure optimal experience on lower end devices. Also included in this API is the ability to choose a custom video source/sink and pass it to the underlying media engine to replace the default video source/sink. Supported platforms include: Android, iOS, and MacOS. Windows will be supported in v2.2. As we continue to develop this API, the Raw Data API will be deprecated in the next few releases.

Why this will improve your experience:

  • Helps lower-end mobile devices to be able to handle higher quality videos and masks/filters
  • Allows you to set custom video source
  • Supports popular video frame containers such as: ByteBuffer in Android & CVPixelBuffer in iOS/macOS
  • Provides utilities and sample codes so you can quickly write your own custom video source and complete functions such as controlling your camera device, sharing your screen or broadcast a local file, etc.

New Gaming and Entertainment Audio Profile

Gaming Chatroom: Frequent in-game communication is vital for gamers to cooperate closely to win the game. However, the channel might be overcrowded with background music, game sound effects, or other environmental noise. In order to solve this, we have added an AUDIO_PROFILE_CHATROOM_GAMING scenario. While using this mode, only the user’s voice will be sent to the channel, filtering out all irrelevant noises.As a result, this will make the gamer’s voice sound much clearer while reducing the bandwidth at the same time!

Entertainment Chatroom: When users communicate with each other inside a social app, they may want to hear more than just human voice. In this mode, background music and environment sound are also allowed to send out. AUDIO_PROFILE_CHATROOM_ENTERTAINMENT is added to replace the legacy profile AUDIO_PROFILE_CHATROOM.

Why this will improve your experience:

  • Better quality and bandwidth optimized in-game voice/video chat
  • More fun and engaging entertainment experience through the entertainment audio profile

Use Token to replace Channel/Permission key

Prior to v2.1.1, each dynamic key only had one privilege. The Channel Key allowed users to add an extra layer of security to join the channel and the Permission Key that would have to be generated to set the client role in Live Broadcasting mode. With v2.1.1, we are introducing a Token concept which will allow you to use the one token for both methods. To migrate from the legacy Dynamic Key, please refer to the Token Migration Guide.

Why this will improve your experience:

  • Easier to use, one Token for joining channel & setting client role


Alongside these new features, there are also many improved features such as:

  • Supports up to 17 participants in a call and 17 hosts in Interactive Broadcasting mode
  • Improved screen-sharing in Interactive Broadcast mode
  • Enhanced built-in camera control
  • Improve hardware encoder on a variety of SoCs (system on a chip)
  • Continuous improvements on video quality
  • Bug fixes from version 2.1

There are other great features and improvements included in this release! Check out the full list in the release notes for this version:

Please feel free to reach out on our Developer Slack Channel if you have any questions! If you’d like to be a part of our Slack Community, please fill out this form and we’ll send the invite out!



Sid Sharma

Born and raised in the Bay Area #Cali ☀️ I speak Swift & C#. Sometimes English. GS Warriors | Dallas Cowboys | Chi Cubs DevRel | @Nexmo | @CodinGame |