πŸŽ‰ Agora.io Web SDK v2.6: Audio Effects, No-Plugin Screen Sharing on Chrome, and much more! πŸŽ‰

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2 min readApr 10, 2019

With this release of Web SDK v2.6, there are some cool additions we think you’ll like. Read on to learn about the newest features.

Audio effect file playback and management

In a call or live broadcast, you may need to play custom audio or music files to all users in the channel. For example, adding sound effects in a game, or playing background music. The Agora Web SDK v2.6.0 provides support for two groups of methods for playing audio effect files and audio mixing. Using the Play Audio Effects methods, you play an audio effects, such as clapping and then using the Audio Mixing methods to overlay the effect with the audio of the active mic input. Beyond just playing and mixing, SDK v2.6.0 supports setting the volume, pause/stop the playback, and preload the audio effect file.

Screen sharing on Chrome without extension

Screen Sharing is an essential feature in real-time communication and with the release of Web SDK 2.6.0 it has become frictionless within the Chrome Browser. Chrome 72 and up supports screen sharing without an extension so when creating the Stream for your screen share, you do no longer need to set the extensionId parameter.

Other new features

The Agora.io Web SDK v2.6.0 also includes:

  • Support for Firefox ESR 60.1.0 and later on PC.
  • Support for releasing the audio mixing cache. By adding the cacheResource parameter in the Stream.startAudioMixing method to set whether or not to store the audio mixing file in the cache.
  • The AgoraRTC.getSupportedCodec method, to get the supported codecs of the web browser.
  • The stream-updated callback in Client.on, to notify users when the remote stream adds or removes a track.
  • The stream-fallback callback in Client.on to notify the user when the remote video stream falls back to audio-only when the network conditions worsen or switches back to video when the network conditions improve.
  • Improvements to the user experience in unreliable network conditions.
  • Fixes to notable issues related to switching input device, mute/unmute audio/video prior to entering the call and receiving active-speaker callback..

This is just a small taste of the numerous additions and improvements in this version!

To see more great features for the Agora.io WebSDK v2.6.0, check out the release notes.

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Director of DevRel @ Agora.io … former CTO @ webXR.tools & AR Engineer @ Blippar β€” If you can close your eyes & picture it, I can find a way to build it