Do You Have What it Takes to be an Agora Superstar?

Sid Sharma
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2019

Agora strives to empower developers around the world to create innovative apps and projects. From disaster recovery drones to augmented reality collaboration platforms, Agora’s customizable SDKs allow devs to create their own experiences with real-time communications. Whether you’re an ambitious startup founder or an enthusiastic hackathon developer, Agora’s wide array of products allow you to get started easily for free and scale immediately.

After seeing all the helpfulness and hard work the Agora developer community provides to all of its members, the Agora DevRel team wanted to launch an official program for these superstars — showcasing their contributions to the whole Agora developer community.

The Agora Superstars program is an exciting platform to help developers expand their knowledge and personal brand through online and offline Developer Relations-related activities such as meetups, conference talks, and being spotlighted in the Superstar Developer Gallery as well as our monthly newsletters.

How You Can Join:

To become an Agora Superstar, you must complete at least 3 of the following requirements:

  • 1 Tutorial blog post using the Agora SDK
  • 1 Demo app built on the Agora SDK
  • 1 Technical talk about Agora
  • 1 Tutorial video using the Agora SDK
  • 1 Meetup hosted about Agora
  • 10 Stack Overflow questions answered with the tag

Perks of the Superstars Program:

As a member of the Superstars program, you get:

  • Exclusive Gear just for Agora Superstars
  • Cool prizes like tech goodies, travel experiences, gift cards, and much more through our Agora AllStars portal
  • Contribute to shaping our product roadmap in alpha stages of our new products
  • Exclusive access to the Agora beta programs
  • Agora food & drink sponsorship at developer meetups (where your talk is about RTC)
  • Travel & lodging covered for events or talks superstars gives about RTC
  • One conference pass of your choice each year (subject to terms)
  • Agora Superstars of the Month Spotlight on our Developer Gallery and newsletter
  • Mentorship by the Agora DevRel team to help you become a developer advocate/evangelist

You’ll also have the opportunity for further training by the Agora Developer Relations team on the best RTC coding practice, as well as in-depth training on the Agora SDKs.

Get started!

To be an Agora Superstar, submit your application on the Agora Superstars page. The DevRel team will get in touch to help with your onboarding.

Well… what are you waiting for?

Apply now!



Sid Sharma

Born and raised in the Bay Area #Cali ☀️ I speak Swift & C#. Sometimes English. GS Warriors | Dallas Cowboys | Chi Cubs DevRel | @Nexmo | @CodinGame |