To Livestream or not to Livestream?

Surabhi Jain
Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2018

Changing the Education Sector one classroom at a time

Welcome to the new world of education. A world in which students are able to fully participate in classrooms, remotely, through live streaming. A world that makes it possible for students halfway around the globe, to properly engage in a classroom.

Today, many educators are turning to live streaming in an effort to expand their educational reach beyond the walls of their classrooms. This results in the ability to educate more students at one-time and ultimately provides a whole new level of experience for both the educators and students.

One example is Cambly. This video chat platform provides access to personal tutors to those interested in learning English. They have tutors from all over the world, giving them a global, 24/7 access.

Courtesy: Cambly

But the question one might have is “why?”

Three major factor that reinforces the importance of Live Streaming:

  1. Global Reach: Increased User Base — This is the biggest advantage a business can have. A student, with the help of live-streaming, can now learn in an interactive way, in real-time from anywhere in the world. The requirement of going to a place, or having to watch pre-recorded videos can now be redundant. This gives an institution an easy way to increase their user base by expanding globally.
  2. Increased Engagement — Almost every university today offers online courses. But most are not that interactive and engaging. Having a live streaming option, where students can see the class in real-time, ask questions and get their questions answered instantly is a huge benefit to the educational process. Students not only can hear and see the teacher speak, they are also able to ask questions via video and in some cases even give presentations in real-time via live streaming.
  3. Expanded teacher pool — No longer do you have to miss out on good teachers because they do not live in the same city as your institution. In fact, you do not even have to have a brick and mortar institution at all. With the help of live streaming, a teacher can conduct classes from anywhere around the globe. This gives an education provider, access to an increased pool of talent and sought-after guest speakers.

As we all know — Generation Z loves using live streaming across a wide variety of social media platforms, and for them using live video functionality in a education capacity will be a seamless experience. Live streaming will not only change the dynamics of online education but also help reduce cost and foster an interactive and collaborative environment beyond the classrooms.

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Surabhi Jain

App Evangelist | Avid Traveler | All things Technology | @Agoraio