Top 5 Must-Have Video Call Characteristics

Tadas Petra
Published in
7 min readJan 18, 2022


When you look around at the different video calling platforms, you will see they have a lot of similarities. As people move to working remotely and communicating mostly through video calls, a huge market has opened up for real-time engagement. Not only are video call applications being used more than ever, but video calls are also getting integrated into existing apps. Technologies like Agora are democratizing real-time engagement, making it easy for developers to add live communication and live streaming into their apps even if their main focus is not video or audio calling. Herein lies the developers' problem: Zoom, Google, and Microsoft have set a high bar with regard to a user’s expectations, so how do you create an experience that can meet those expectations?

In this article, we will discuss the five video call characteristics that, if executed well, can provide for a seamless experience that rivals those offered by these companies.

User Controls

The first two characteristics are very obvious, but we will take a close look at each of them. Let’s start with the first characteristic: user controls for the current user. Every video call needs…



Tadas Petra

On a journey to explore all the different aspects of coding.