Agora will trade on Binance DEX

Agora Blockchain Team
Published in
4 min readJul 31, 2019

About Agora

We are building for you:

A protocol made for the purpose of voting, built from scratch, with a number of Dapps to enable anyone, anywhere to vote for elections, referendums, surveys, shareholder meetings, exchange listing etc. Allowing communities, private and public organisations to eradicate fraud and corruption, reduce costs and engage voters in a modern, convenient and accessible way.

A consensus mechanism designed for the purpose of voting with 0 financial incentive, a permission infrastructure, a permission-less infrastructure, a voting Dapp, a supply chain ballot tracking Dapp, an official Dapp to help our clients (governments, institutions, communities) to organise their election both financially and logistically as well as movement of their staff.

You are building for all of us:

As much software as you think is needed to make elections more efficient, less expensive and tension-free. Governments, competitors and communities can build as many Dapps as they wish on top of our infrastructures and utilise our chains, to help us all achieve our goal: Better elections all over the planet.

Agora just got voted!

100% of the validators voted for Agora’s listing.

Agora sent a voting proposal transaction to the consideration of the Binance Validators on Monday July the 22nd at 20:48 GMT.

After assessing all aspects of the project for exactly one week, the validators unanimously voted for Agora’s listing on Dex as you can see on the screenshots above from the Binance Chain explorer.

Next Steps

Agora will need to list by August the 23rd 2019, at the latest.
For this to happen Agora needs to issue a Listing transaction, once the listing TX is executed, VOTE will start trading against BNB automatically on the DEX.

These three weeks will give us time to organise the distribution of our BEP2 tokens as well as our secondary market strategy.

We will get back to you in another medium article with the exact date of listing.

Current round

The current round is a private-public round organised in a lottery format, giving to everyone the opportunity to enter until the last moment.

10% Discount and no lock up.
Follow the instructions on

Current Round Details:

  • Token name: VOTE
  • Standard: BEP2
  • Target: $500,000.00
  • Price: 1 VOTE = $ 0.045
  • Total Tokens allocated in the current round: 11, 111, 111 VOTE (1.1% of total token supply).
  • To contribute go on or
    press the contribute button on
    General token information can be found on

Previous Rounds:

Our vesting schedule and lock up periods were among the hardest in the industry and were non negotiable no matter the brand or name of the venture capital. We also added a close of Right of First Refusal, meaning that when our first round contributors want to sell their tokens, they are obliged to ask us if we are interested to purchase it back OTC (an option to exercise or not). We are thankful to our first round contributors who made valuable introductions, helped us gain access into the most exclusive events and got our name out there. They were the best PR agency we could ever dream of. They were also respectful to our retail believers, they knew that this project will make the crowd passionate so they gave us their full support when we set up fair terms for everybody. Our public event contributors will be our brand ambassadors and help us to impact their countries and communities.

Seed Round:
$1.5Mil for 38,235,295 VOTE (3.8% of Total Token Supply).
100% Locked.
Vesting Schedule 3 months after listing 40%, 6 months after listing 30%,
9 months after listing 30%.
Right of First Refusal.

Strategic Round:
$3Mil for 70,588,236 VOTE (7.0% of Total Token Supply).
100% Locked.
Vesting Schedule: 3 months after Listing 40%, 6 months after Listing 30%,
9 months after Listing 30%.
Right of First Refusal.

Private Round:
$6Mil for 135,294,118 VOTE (13.5% of Total Token Supply).
100% Locked.
Vesting Schedule: 3 months after Listing 40%, 6 months after Listing 30%, 9 months after Listing 30%.
Right of First Refusal.

$4.5Mil for 97,058,825 VOTE (9.7% of Total Token Supply).
100% Locked.
Vesting Schedule: 3 months after Listing 40%, 6 months after Listing 30%,
9 months after Listing 30%.

A warm thank you

To our friends, partners, team members and all the people who believed in us, supported us, worked very hard for this day to become reality. After some historical use-cases, unbelievable encounters, millions of code lines, hard lessons, we’re finally ready for the secondary market.

We all would like to thank our families first, parents, wives & husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends, and children who are supporting us and who have made a lot of sacrifices to help us through all the feats on our Agora journey.

Get in touch!
Telegram: agorablockchain
Twitter: AgoraBlockchain
Facebook: AgoraBlockchain

Let’s make global blockchain voting a reality, together.



Agora Blockchain Team

Agora is a Swiss lab and foundation offering decentralized digital voting systems based on blockchain technology.