How to Become a Solidity Developer 101: Education & Jobs

Ethan Clime
Published in
7 min readApr 12, 2024

Building smart contracts allows solidity developers to perform decentralized protocols. Within blockchain’s Web3 landscape, it’s important to review and prepare for your first Solidity development job role.

Engineering Blockchain: Learning Solidity & Employment

Demand for solidity programming is on the rise. With more enterprises initiating blockchain solutions, an opportunity awaits for developers to join a career in Web3. Since Ethereum invented the use of smart contracts, it has brought change to the digital landscape.

Centralized institutions play a 3rd party role that adds additional security risks and costs. Smart contracts on the other hand are decentralized using automated code to secure peer-to-peer digital escrow transactions.

So what is Solidity? And how to become a Solidity developer? Continue reading and learn how Ethereum’s smart contract programming language can ignite your professional career within Web3. It is the bedrock of understanding the growth and possibilities using the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

What is Solidity programming?

Solidity is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language similar to Java, Python, Ruby and C++ to name a few. Most applications using Solidity are run on Ethereum. However, it supports other cross platform capabilities due to its popularity with smart contract development.

In 2014, Galvin Wood proposed the idea of Solidity. He envisioned a similar syntax to Javascript in order to drive adoption. By supporting C3 linearization and multiple inheritances, it allowed for a lower barrier of entry from a developer’s experience. Although in the case of Solidity, we can’t ignore the differences. Take in point, it is an inertly typed language that features dynamic return types unlike in Java.

Solidity allows developers to build smart contracts bringing in a variety of use cases such as:

  • Multi-signature wallets
  • Voting
  • Blind auctions
  • Crowdfunding

Motivation for learning Solidity

Solidity jobs are in high demand. The global average base salary of a solidity developer is $145,000 with a low base salary of $100,000. This is higher than your average programmers salary and is equivalent to AI and VR salaries. Due to its similarity as an OOP language, it’s familiar and efficient for developing smart contracts on multiple blockchains. A number one choice for enterprises working on blockchain functionality.

So why is Solidity better than other programming languages within smart contract development? It has to do with the rise and popularity of Ethereum.

The following reasons highlight why you should choose Solidity.

  • The execution of machine-level code which is supported by the Ethereum Virtual Machine
  • According to a developer’s preference, a programmer can choose a remix online compiler or a command-line compiler on their PC. It has flexibility for compilation as one key advantage.
  • From its universal use around the globe, Solidity is always improving with new features alongside bug fixes.

Rising popularity of Solidity and Web 3.0

The latest report made by Electric Capital estimated 22,411 Web3 developers as of December 2023.

Some other interesting stats from the report showed:

  • Monthly active developers fell by -24% in 2023=
  • 2022 Newcomers account for most of 2023 developer loss
  • Developer losses came from the least tenured developers. Newcomers fell by -52%
  • 30% of developers support more than one chain, up 10x from 3% in 2015.
  • Developers who support 3+ chains grew to 17% of all developers in 2023, an all-time high.

The Web3 eco-system decline just shows the desperate need for more developer’s to enter the market. Hence why salaries are high and demand for spending is outpacing hiring. If you’re considering a role in Web3, there is no better time then to join now.

What can you develop with Solidity?

As Solidity is continuing to rise in popularity, it is important to understand why it’s significant. This has to do with the possibilities and flexibilities of the programming language itself.

There are a number of categories in the space where Solidity is being used. Decentralized Finance or Defi is mapping the new financial market on the blockchain. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations or DAO’s are governing protocols with the use of smart contracts. And finally the rise of non-fungible tokens or NFTs. So what can you do with Solidity? Here is the list:

  • Smart Contracts: These are programs stored on a blockchain that run predetermined conditions.
  • DApps: Decentralized applications that run on peer-to-peer open source blockchain networks.
  • Defi: the creation of financial instruments without relying on intermediaries such as banks or brokerage exchanges.
  • DAO: a community led organization with no central authority that runs transparent rules encoded in a computer program.
  • Blockchain Games: More popular with NFTs, gaming assets can now be transparent for its scarcity which has opened up new markets.

Solidity Developer Job Opportunities

The current landscape for hiring Solidity developers has become an employee market. Enterprises are struggling with acquiring developers to meet their spending requirements. This is resulting in lucrative benefits for joining. Job postings from January to March 2024 have grown by 100%, which is clearly showing hiring is in demand.

The Work of Solidity Developers in 2022

It is recommended that your experience in programming is at junior level or higher before considering learning Solidity.

How long does it take to learn Solidity?

It takes a few months of rigorous training, learning and practice to be fit for a starting position. It is also important to build up your Github portfolio and showcase the development of smart contracts.

In order to understand what role you would have as a solidity developer, we need to look at responsibilities.

Here is a list of responsibilities you may come across:

  • Understanding client requirements for the architecture of the blockchain solution
  • Creating or supervising smart contract development
  • Programming new functionalities that is both scalable, stable and efficient through a testing environment
  • Integrating across platforms using Solidity code
  • Doing technical reviews through an assessment of the solution
  • Ensuring the integration of the blockchain within an application
  • Working with a team and product managers to bring about new ideas with smart contract development

Necessary Skills for Working in Solidity Development

It’s important to be familiar with OOP languages before diving into Solidity. Once you become familiar with educating yourself in this field, learning Solidity becomes easier.

Here are a list of following traits you will need to get familiar with for building smart contracts using Solidity:

Just like any development job, experience within your career is how you grow. As you develop you will gain more skill requirements to emerge from a junior Solidity developer to a senior. You will develop skills such as:

  • Having experience with multiple blockchain platforms.
  • Experience in architecture or design with Solidity blockchain projects
  • Professional experience with DApps and smart contract architecture

There are also specific traits in order to succeed and be motivated. These are:

  • Being highly motivated and committed to Web3 and Digital Ledger Technology (DLT) landscapes
  • Continuously learning the advancements with emerging innovations of blockchain technology
  • Understanding good teamwork and multidisciplinary roles
  • Have excellent client or project management skills

Job Satisfaction for Solidity Developers

According to a Solidity developer survey in 2023, 474 developers from 71 countries participated, with the highest number of respondents from the USA (18.8%), followed by India (10.5%) and Nigeria (6.2%). Solidity remains the most used language by respondents, with a majority of experts having 2+ years of experience. Additionally, 36.7% of users reported feeling productive with Solidity in less than 6 months, and the majority of those not feeling productive had less than 3 months of experience with the language. Notably, mappings were identified as the favorite feature by 33.8% of users.

The next question you’re probably asking yourself, is where can I begin learning Solidity? Here at AgorApp we have you covered!

How to Learn Solidity Online with AgorApp

AgorApp offers free e-training to become a Web3 Solidity programmer to prepare your first steps for job placement. Students learn how to build on the Ethereum blockchain, develop smart contracts and protocols to run blockchain simulations. Through an interactive editor that serves as a “smart” textbook, students are able to learn a variety of Web3 tutorials, courses and challenges.

Each topic is divided into protocols that run a blockchain simulation from beginner to advanced levels. Developers can learn Solidity from scratch through courses or sharpen more advanced skills from challenges. Both support the road to prepare or continue your career advances as a Solidity developer.

More specifically:

  • A course is a series of lessons and instructions that covers a specific protocol.
  • A challenge covers a specific complexity you may encounter as a developer.

Get Solidity Knowledge and Get Hired

By continuing your journey with AgorApp, you gain Web3 know how from the courses and challenges completed. Users receive points showcasing the level of education to hirees. AgorApp gives you the needed roadmap from training to being hired directly through our job board market place that will be launching soon.

AgorApp is the one stop platform for learning and receiving job placement saving you time and stress. No other place offers you the structured approach from day one to your first Web3 job.

How to Find Talent for Solidity Jobs and Hiring

If you’re an enterprise looking to hire Web3 developers, you’ve come to the right place. Turnover brings a heavy burden of cost. At AgorApp, we drastically reduce these costs by supporting your onboarding and training processes. We prepare candidates for your job placement as well as continuously sharpening your current employees’ learning and development skills.

AgorApp supports courses and challenges specifically tailored to your enterprise. If you are in need of hiring and want to save on costs, become an AgorApp partner today by contacting us

Engineering Blockchain Together

For more info, follow us on Discord or Twitter channels. Also check out our catalog to begin studying right away. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Cheers.

