How to Emulate Event Bus with Micronaut, API Gateway and SNS

Vladimír Oraný
Stories by Agorapulse
5 min readJan 29, 2019


It has been nearly two years since Benoit Hediard published an article on how to build a real-time web application with Angular, Ngrx and Vert.x. My last post was about creating WebSocket backed with Micronaut and API Gateway. Let’s combine these two approaches and replace the Vert.X part of the real-time web application example with AWS Lambda with Micronaut approach.

Please, get familiar with the two posts above before continuing reading as we are going to combine these two approaches together.

Using Pure WebSockets in the Client

The initial example was using SockJS to implement the event bus service. As API Gateway only supports WebSocket API without any fallback we need to rewrite the event bus service to use WebSockets only. The first piece of the puzzle is a simple wrapper around WebSocket which will publish incoming events and connection state. It will also handle the automatic reconnection.

There are two observable propertiesmessages and state which helps clients to get notified about new incoming messages and about the current connection state. Method send allows sending the messages to the backend endpoint.

The changes in the event bus service are rather cosmetic. The biggest difference is that the reconnection is now handled in the ObservableWebSocket wrapper.

The service is using the subscription to the state to manage the connection state and messages observable handle incoming messages. The publishing methods are simply delegated to the send method of the wrapper.

Local Event Bus with ApplicationEventPublisher

The most trivial implementation of event bus in Micronaut can leverage the already present event mechanism. In this case, the incoming function just publishes the WebSocketRequest event using ApplicationEventPublisher.

@Inject @Field ApplicationEventPublisher publisher

WebSocketResponse produce(WebSocketRequest event) {

The event is propagated to all beans which implementApplicationEventListener<WebSocketRequest>. We can create two such listeners:

  • ConnectionManager listens to connect and disconnect events and registers and unregister clients’ connection IDs in Redis. If an event with type publish arrives it simply forwards it to all connected clients.
  • CounterService intercepts publish events and increments, decrements and resets the counter stored also in Redis. It is able to respond to thesend events with the address counter::total with the current counter's total.

This approach is rather simple yet it is not very scalable as with many connected clients it might take a significant amount of time to forward the actions to the all of them.

Using Simple Notification Service (SNS) as Event Bus

Simple Notification Service can act very nicely as an event bus for our purpose. With just a little adjustment we can decouple the incoming WebSocketRequest and the listeners.

We can create SNS notification client which will publish the requests into a topic:

interface WebSocketRequestPublisher {

publishEvent(WebSocketRequest request)


Then we can use the client to publish incoming requests into the desired topic:

@Inject @Field WebSocketRequestPublisher publisher

WebSocketResponse produce(WebSocketRequest event) {

The topic is created automatically but we need to declare its name in the configuration application.yml file:

topic: WebSocketRequests

Then we need to create a function which will react on incoming SNS messages. We can keep the event driven mechanism or make a specific function for each responsibility.

@Inject @Field ApplicationEventPublisher publisher
@Inject @Field ObjectMapper mapper

consume(SNSEvent event) {
event.records.each { record ->
.readValue(record.SNS.message, WebSocketRequest)

CounterService and ConnectionManager reminds the same.

We need to deploy the code into two different functions so we need to update the generated build.gradle file:

task deployProducer(
: AWSLambdaMigrateFunctionTask,
dependsOn: shadowJar
) {
= "EventBusProducer"
= "lambda.eventbus.EventBusProducerFunction::produce"
= "arn:aws:iam::${aws.accountId}:role/lambda_ws_sns"
= shadowJar.archivePath
memorySize = 512
timeout = 60

task deployConsumer(
: AWSLambdaMigrateFunctionTask,
dependsOn: shadowJar
) {
= "EventBusConsumer"
= "lambda.eventbus.EventBusConsumerFunction::consume"
= "arn:aws:iam::${aws.accountId}:role/lambda_ws_sns"
= shadowJar.archivePath
memorySize = 512
timeout = 60

task deploy(dependsOn: [deployProducer, deployConsumer])

Ensure that the functions' role has access to the particular SNS topic.

The last step is to add the topic as the source for the EventBusConsumer lambda

Once everything is deployed and configured you should see the same results as with using Micronaut's builtin event mechanism.


SNS topics can easily emulate event bus for your WebSocket backend. There are a couple of caveats compared to the original solution

  1. No fallback for WebSockets
  2. Potential latency caused by AWS Lambda cold starts

As the approach described in this blog post relies directly on WebSockets there is no fallback such as HTTP polling for browsers without WebSocket support. According to Can I use website there is currently 92.52 % of users who are capable of using WebSockets. There is a high chance that the users without WebSocket support can't use your website anyway due to other constraints.

There is a common problem with AWS Lambda functions which is potentially slow cold start. Our current experience with running AWS Lambda functions with Micronaut is that with 1024 MB of memory the cold start is about 8 seconds but it happens just once or twice an hour. The average duration of the request is just about 40 ms. The latency between publishing and delivering the message is about 700 ~ 800 ms (including processing by API Gateway which usually consumes about ~ 700 ms even for the mock responses) which should be enough for most of the business use cases so if you are not developing an online shooter game you the latency shouldn't be a problem for you. Also, don't forget to minimize the delay time of your SNS topic.



Vladimír Oraný
Stories by Agorapulse

Full Stack Developer and Test Facilitator at @agorapulse