Spend the Pandemic Inside: Join Our Gitcoin Cross-Chain Hackathon and Win Prizes

Tatyana Roberts
Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2020

Build real-world applications with Agoric, Band Protocol, and Cosmos.

We all find ourselves in uncharted territory at the moment. Almost certainly you are, like us, at home for the duration of the current pandemic. As we had already begun planning to be part of a virtual, asynchronous blockchain hackathon even before the virus spread around the planet, the next Gitcoin Hackathon starting on April 20th turned out to be the perfect one. We can’t wait to see how the crypto and JavaScript communities will find some camaraderie, inspiration, and excitement when the contest will get going.

Do you want to participate and win some prizes?

👉 Registrations for the Gitcoin Cross-Chain Hackathon are now open gitcoin.co.🎉 (More information is coming.)

Getting involved is as easy as ABC — that is, Agoric (agoric.com), Band Protocol (bandprotocol.com), and Cosmos (cosmos.network). We are all excited to announce we’ll be participating in the Gitcoin Cross-Chain Hackathon, which will run from Monday, April 20th through Monday, May 11th. For this hackathon, we’d like to see what real-world applications developers can build using the Cosmos SDK, Agoric’s SDK, and Band chain. We’d also love to see what you can do with IBC, the protocol used to connect all these blockchains together (more at cosmos.network/ibc).

⚒️ 🧰 Here Are the Tools

  1. Cosmos SDK: The world’s most popular blockchain framework. It’s modular, uses Tendermint BFT consensus, has staking and slashing, is built for IBC, and maximizes security for your application.
  2. Agoric’s SDK: A platform that supports the development of smart contracts and market institutions across many different scales, from large public blockchains to small two-party contracts.
  3. Band Protocol: A data oracle platform to integrate off-chain information to your dApps using an open API.
  4. IBC: The standard for blockchain interoperability. IBC is a reliable, ordered, and authenticated protocol for relaying arbitrary messages between independent distributed ledgers.

🏆🏆🏆 The Prizes

Over $24k in total prizes! (ATOMs & BANDs)

Cosmos — build fast, secure blockchains & connect them over IBC

  1. Four challenges, $15k in total ATOMs

Agoric — secure smart contracts

  1. Five challenges, $4k in total ATOMs

Band — trusted on-chain data for dApps

  1. Five challenges, $4.5k in total $BAND + $500 joint prize in $ATOM

Note — challenges will appear on Gitcoin’s prize explorer, stay tuned!

Judging Criteria

The best submissions, as voted on by the judges at the end of the hackathon, will be chosen as the winners!


Experienced leaders from Cosmos, Agoric, and Band will be judging the participants for this hackathon.

👕 Earn Some Swag

There will be cash prizes (paid in Cosmos Atoms and BANDs) for the top projects, but everyone can win: If your team provides regular, weekly updates on your progress for three consecutive weeks, then each member (up to five per team) will be eligible to receive a Cosmos t-shirt, Agoric t-shirt, and Band t-shirt! These project updates must be provided on GitHub so we can see them in a sequential order. After the hackathon is over, we’ll review what teams provided consistent updates and then reach out to ship the t-shirts to those teams.

👀 What to Expect

If you’ve never participated in a virtual hackathon before, here’s what to expect. The sponsors will provide education, training, and support throughout, and you’ll get fun, possibly some money, and definitely new friends and connections. A virtual hackathon doesn’t necessarily have the 24-hour intensity of an in-person hackathon (though feel free to schedule some all-nighters, if you’d like), but over the extended period you can allot time, making progress on your projects with your team.

Join the Cosmos Community Discord

The conversation about this virtual hackathon will happen in the Cosmos Community Discord. Join using this link and then go to “General” -> “Virtual Hackathon” to get started. See you there!

📚 Resources


  1. https://cosmos.network/
  2. Cosmos SDK Docs
  3. IBC Github


  1. https://agoric.com/
  2. ERTP Guide
  3. Zoe Guide

Band Protocol

  1. https://bandprotocol.com/
  2. Developer Doc (How to use Band oracle)
  3. BandChain Github

This blog post will be updated later to include a live streaming session date and other changes. To stay updated, sign up for the hackathon today!

