Cheering For Death: Why Only Idiots Support War

Voluntary Japan
Agorist Nexus
Published in
10 min readFeb 4, 2024

It’s okay to be an “idiot.” Everyone is ignorant of one thing or another, and I myself used to be an idiot supporter of war, simply because I didn’t realize what it actually was. As the world stands at the precipice of another world war, fomented by bankers and social engineers in the shadows, and folks on all sides are getting caught up in the hype, I think it is time to re-examine some history, to the end of taking a fresh look at how evil is repeating itself right before our eyes. Evil that normally decent human beings are rabidly cheering for.

Cheering for Murder

Humans love to take sides. It is inescapable to some extent. We are social animals with a tribal instinct that seeks out friendly society and mutual defense. However, nature has also seen fit to give us (unless one has severe clinical, neurological damage) brains and compassion. War is propagandized by evil entities to shut these qualities down.

I wrote in an op-ed this year showing that it is everyday individuals who are suffering from economic sanctions against Russia in regard to the conflict with Ukraine. Political propaganda in the news, however, wants you to think of war and sanctions like a football game. You must choose one side to cheer loudly for, and denigrate the other. Drink your beer and think no further. It is indeed fun to drink beer and have something to cheer for from the comfort of your home. But the dark side is too disgusting, and that is why stupid people ignore it.

This is that dark side: You must conflate millions of precious, individual human lives with an abstract idea like “Russia,” or “Ukraine.” You must justify the cold-blooded murder of these millions of lives in the name of “freedom,” “democracy,” or “justice.” It is the most cringe, ignorant shit there is, to say something like this, for example:

Who or what, after all, is “Ukraine”? Do all individuals in the region known as “Ukraine” or “America” feel the same? This type of linguistic subterfuge is always used by the sociopath class (politicians, bankers, supranational shadow cabals, and their brainwashed slaves) pushing war.

The truth is there are millions of non-violent human beings living in the geopolitical, so-called jurisdictions of “Ukraine,” “Russia,” and “America” with myriad viewpoints on the subject of the Ukraine-Russia military conflict. The statement by Massaro pictured above is no more intelligent than saying “All black people support Joe Biden.”

Just as narrative duped Germans into supporting the removal and destruction of Jewish lives, and propaganda tricked Jewish and American individuals into supporting the systematic elimination of all Germans and Japanese (we’ll get to that later), so now the propaganda seeks to paint non-violent individuals in Russia as being complicit with the agenda of the state. It is the height of the regression of human capacity: literal retardation. And to those who may take offense at my use of the word, I in no way think of individuals with clinical conditions such as Down syndrome, in such terms. It is the actual fucking idiot, that I address this to.

The people who will suffer if World War III is declared are people in Ukraine, Russia, and everywhere else, that are just like you and me. It will not be the politicians that you hate that will suffer. Nor the bankers. Nor the cabals.

‘War Is Hell’

The refrain is so old and clichéd that no intelligent person takes it seriously: “Hey man, war is hell.” It is hell, but not for the reason these people think. It is hell mostly because it is 100% senseless violence. It is not “self-defense.” It is not necessary.

The typical defense for war is that some action must be taken to protect against a great and unprecedented evil, or horrific consequence that will come about if mass, blanket violence is not deployed against any and all individuals in a given geo-political region.

To the types that defend things like this, I expect you and your wife and children to be the first on the front lines, ready to sacrifice yourselves willingly to the next pillage, rape, prison camp, pogrom, or atomic bomb that is necessary to maintain peace. To those asking, “Well, then, how do we defend ourselves?” the answer is simple: by defending against attackers, and not murdering people unrelated to the attack.

Also, the “war is hell” defense for so-called collateral damage doesn’t hold for any logical or moral human being. A very simple illustration proves this:

If your neighbor down the road kills somebody, do you have the right to kill not only this neighbor, but also their family and everyone in the houses all around them? Of course, the answer is “no.”

“Russia invaded a sovereign nation.” But again, Russia is just an abstract term. In actuality, most Russian individuals did nothing of the sort, and many opposed the action. There are also those in Ukraine who stand against the Zelensky propaganda. The answer to war is a critical mass of individuals realizing this scam and refusing to be a soldier. Refusing to join. Refusing to kill strangers in other lands who have never harmed them for the sake of politicians and bankers who don’t care if they live or die. This is the way of Voluntaryism.

Showcasing the Murder You Support, in Pictures

I adhere to the Voluntaryist definition of violence, which is the initiation of aggression against another’s body or property. Property, as per the Voluntaryist definition, being that which is acquired or homesteaded in non-violence, by myself (the body which is mine, a la natural order, biology, and objective reality). Self-defense is defined as an act which uses force to stop a violation of body or property from a direct aggressor.

Even if one defines non-violent as “civilian,” though, war fails the test. Ends simply do not justify violent means, as demonstrated in the “murderer neighbor” scenario above. To make my point more immediate and salient, the following pictures should do a good job of showing what one really supports when they say: “I support this or that nation’s military action.” I’ll add a short paragraph discussing each image.

Here you can see a stack of corpses after the Allied firebombing of Dresden, Germany in WWII. This raid, like similar firebombings that were perpetrated in Germany and Japan, was intentionally aimed at civilians. It is estimated that 22,000–25,000 non-military individuals were killed in the firebombing of Dresden. Such cold-blooded massacre is hardly discussed in conversations about the supposed justifications for World War II. If you think this is the fault of the men, women, and children that died here, next war, please sacrifice yourself. Or prove they were each individually initiating aggression against those flying the planes and dropping the cluster bombs and napalm.

Here you can see a stack of corpses after the Allied firebombing of Dresden, Germany in WWII. This raid, like similar firebombings that were perpetrated in Germany and Japan, was intentionally aimed at civilians. It is estimated that 22,000–25,000 non-military individuals were killed in the firebombing of Dresden. Such cold-blooded massacre is hardly discussed in conversations about the supposed justifications for World War II. If you think this is the fault of the men, women, and children that died here, next war, please sacrifice yourself. Or prove they were each individually initiating aggression against those flying the planes and dropping the cluster bombs and napalm.

Here is a photo of a mother and child burned alive in Tokyo, where murderer general Curtis Lemay’s incendiary attack was said to have killed 100,000 people in one night. Thousands more would die in the coming days. This attack is publicly acknowledged to have been aimed directly at non-violent individuals, who, by no choice of their own, were stuck in a region that had been declared an enemy region. As the Nazis viewed Jews as vermin and disease, so did American wartime propaganda paint these human beings as ‘Jap lice.’ As with the current Ukraine-Russia propaganda, war always idiotically dehumanizes whole groups of individuals.

This is a photo from the Mizoch Ghetto execution of women and children (including pregnant women and mothers holding infants). What crime had these women committed, or their infants and unborn children, I wonder? To the Nazis, they were just “tuberculosis” which had infested their arbitrarily claimed piece of dirt called “Germany.” Note the still-living child about to be shot.

This is an excerpt from the 1941 book Germany Must Perish! By Theodore N. Kaufman, in which Kaufman proposes a plan for the forced sterilization of all Germans — 71 million at the time. This book was written prior to the U.S. government’s entry into the war, and prior to the Nazi Wannsee Conference where the “Final Solution” is said to have been solidified. We are not commonly told in history books, but there were genocidal intentions on both sides of this conflict, thanks to propaganda, and idiotic support for war. This book was openly, nationally praised by the New York Times, Time Magazine, the Washington Post, and others, and was leveraged by Nazis to fuel their own anti-Jew propaganda. The passage reads:

“This dynamic volume outlines a comprehensive plan for the extinction of the German nation and the total eradication from the earth, of all her people. Also contained herein is a map illustrating the possible territorial dissection of Germany and the apportionment of her lands.”

Here is a shot of Stalin — by some estimates responsible for eight million deaths — chumming it up with Jew-loather Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill. It is interesting that the massive Soviet state’s atrocities were simply glossed over during and after the war. As congressional testimony in 1949 regarding the Nuremberg Trials noted:

“The Russians had certainly been guilty in Poland, the Ukraine, and the Baltic States, of mass deportations upon an even greater scale than was attempted anywhere by the Germans; the advance of the Russian armies had invariably been accompanied by wholesale killings and rapings and by systematic pillage; indeed such crimes were being repeated in the Russian zone of Germany while the Nuremberg trials were in progress … The uprooting and evictions of whole populations at the cost of incalculable suffering were taking place in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and East Prussia with the encouragement or complacent approval of the powers which at Nuremberg were trying the Nazis for similar crimes … and the crime of wantonly destroying villages like Lidice and cities like Belgrade and Warsaw had counterparts in the saturation bombings of Hamburg and other German cities and in the experimental bombardments of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”

Speaking of the genocidal bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki:

Conclusion: Fuck Russia and Fuck Ukraine, Too (The Political Cult, Not the Non-Violent Individuals and Peaceful Cultures Therein)

It is everyday, non-violent people who pay for war. Even the blue-check crayon chewers on Twitter will see it arrive at their own doorstep if they don’t stop slobbering for murder like brain-damaged animals. And, sadly, in a way they will deserve it. If you start to dig into the massive propaganda pushed by states on all sides in any war, it will confuse the hell out of your “football team” brain, get you to put down the beer mug for a second and think: “Holy shit. Every side is evil.” They all mass-murder innocent people on purpose. Not in self-defense, but aggression.

The two images above showcase Nazi propaganda alive and well in Ukraine. If we can see that even in such a huge, generally-accepted-as-good event as the Allied fight in WWII (where the “good” cold-blooded German and Jew killers stopped the bad cold-blooded American and Jew killers), it was all made of lies and propaganda on both sides, why can’t folks see now that this Ukraine-Russia bullshit is exactly the same?

These two, final images are often shown to us as proof of Nazi evil. What is not disclosed is that they are the result of the Allied bombing of the Nordhausen prison camp where thousands were already dying of starvation and disease near the end of the war, due to supply lines being destroyed. This is verified by survivors of the camp themselves, and is openly researchable, historical fact. The feet you see standing on the side of the trench are American feet. The only reason I point this out is to show that blindly siding with a nation-state against a propagandized “ultimate evil boogeyman” (see Osama Bin Laden, 9/11, WMDs in Iraq, Gulf of Tonkin, etc.) — who indeed in this case was a eugenics-obsessed murdering psychopath named Adolf Hitler — only further serves to perpetuate human death and suffering via the myth of the great, bloody football game. The “good guys” filled this ditch with bodies.

Make no mistake: The politicians won’t be dying, The bankers won’t be dying. Those pulling strings in the shadows, behind the UN, WEF, and other such crime syndicates won’t be dying, and their children will be shielded from the murder massacre. It will be YOU — people exactly like you will lose their lives and loved ones in horrific ways. All for a fake cause that was unnecessary in the first place. And to those who argue it is necessary. Again, sacrifice yourselves first. To the others: cease participation.



Voluntary Japan
Agorist Nexus

自由主義者. Voluntaryist/AnCap Initiative in Northwestern Japan. Anti-state, pro-consciousness.✌🏽