Love Alexa? Here’s how to use it outside home and work.

Sreeraman Thiagarajan
Agrahyah Technologies
2 min readFeb 21, 2019

Smart Assistants like Amazon Alexa are getting better by the day, from ordering a cab to turning off lights to entertaining you with jokes and trivia, Alexa can do it all.

But they had one disadvantage, it has to be plugged into a wall socket for power. Hmmm..we felt the pain too and decided to do something about it.

What if we can take our own personal assistant Alexa on the go? in our pockets and invoke her at will anywhere, anytime?

And Presto! like Alladin summoning genie you can now call Alexa with the all new AOP App.

AOPAlexa On Phone App for Android and get a fully functional Alexa on the go. Get it on Playstore for Free. Click to download


No matter where you are in the world, AOP work on where Alexa works. And true to Agrahyah’s commitment to Voice and Vernaculars, AOP app works in 9 global languages.

  • English (India, Australia, US, UK)
  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Spanish
  • Italian

How did we do it?

Alexa lives on the cloud and we can integrate her on any connected end point including a phone, a TV, a washing machine, a headset and more. Agrahyah used AVS — Alexa Voice Services to built AOP App.

Do you have a app or device that needs voice as an inout? we can help!

Read more about APP on | Download to try!

