Know all the important facts about General Agriculture, which would be beneficial in the government exams and for your own understanding of Agriculture.

Agriculture Optional
3 min readAug 19, 2023


How to know if the word is Latin or Greek?

If the end of the word logy and nomy, it originated from the Greek Word, except Pomology (Latin + Greek).

If at the end of the word “Culture” comes then it is from Latin.

  • Agronomy: Greek Word
  • Soil Science: Latin Word
  • Horticulture: Latin Word
  • Pomology: Latin + Greek
  • Olericulture: Latin Word
  • Floriculture: Latin Word
  • Entomology: Greek Word
  • Extension Education: Latin Word

Major Branches of Agricultural Science

  • Agrostology: Grass Study
  • Arboriculture: Study of Herbs and Shrubs
  • Arviculture: Study of Crops
  • Oleculture: Study of Vegetables
  • Olviculture: Jaitoon Cultivation
  • Cylology: Tea Cultivation
  • Sericulture: Sericulture
  • Apiculture: Bee Keeping
  • Moriculture: Mulberry Cultivation
  • Lake Culture: Lac Pest Farming
  • Vermiculture: Earthworm Farming
  • Pisciculture or Aquaculture: Fisheries

Branches of Agricultural Science and their Father

  • Modern Crop Science: Petro de Crescenzi
  • Pedology: Dokuchev
  • Horticulture: MH Marigowda
  • Agricultural Meteorology: Koppen
  • Genetics: Gregor John Mendel
  • Plant Pathology: Anton de berry
  • Plant Pathology (India): EJ Butler
  • Mycology: A.M. Michael
  • Biology: Aristotle
  • Animal Science: Aristotle
  • Bacteriology: Leuvenhawk
  • Microbiology: Louis Pasteur
  • Taxonomy: Carolus Linnaeus
  • Organic Farming: Albert Howard
  • Biodynamic Farming: Rudolf Steiner
  • Natural Farming: Masanabu Fakoka
  • Economics: Adam Smith
  • Extension: Seaman Knapp

Important Terminology of Agriculture

  • Crop Rotation: Manipulate and sow two or more crops in a single field.
  • Inter Cropping: Two or more crops sowing in different lines.
  • Mixed Cropping: Mixing and Sowing the seeds of two or more crops.
  • Monoculture: Sowing of the same crop repeatedly in a certain area.
  • Sole Crop: Sowing of a single crop in the field.
  • Relay Cropping: Sowing of the second crop before harvesting the first crop.
  • Lay Farming: Cultivation of grasses with crops.
  • Arable Crops: Crops whose for this, tillage is necessary. Ex- Potato, Sugarcane, Maize, etc.
  • Alley Crop: Ex- Eucalyptus, Acacia. Growing in the middle of the crops.
  • Augmenting Crop: Crops grown together to increase the production capacity of major crops. Example Rijka and Barsim in Mustard.
  • Catch/Contingent Crop: Growing short-duration crops when the main crop is destroyed due to environmental reasons, so that economic compensation can be obtained. Example- Toria, Moong, Urad.
  • Cole Crops: Crops require a cold environment. Example: Cauliflower, Cabbage, etc.
  • Cover Crops: Soil covering crop, and its objective is soil moisture conservation. Ex- Cowpea, Urad, Peanuts.
  • Complementary Crops: Crops that benefit each other. Examples: Jowar and Cowpea
  • Nurse Crops: One crop that helps another crop in its early stages. Example: Mustard in Peas, Cowpea in Rye or Sorghum.
  • Trap Crops: The crop that feeds the pests of the main crop on itself. About 5% of trap crops should be planted in this field.
  • Vertical Farming: In this one, the positions on the land are cultivated in a hierarchical order and rise upwards. It is a model of urban agriculture. To a large extent, the food crisis will also end.
  • E-RAKAM: This is a platform that helps farmers to connect with the market. It has been developed by MSTC Limited.
  • Agri Udaan: This scheme will work to connect new start-ups with investors.
  • Kusum: It’s an objective Optimal to Use Solar Energy and Renewable Energy towards moved to be Encouragement provide to farmers.



Agriculture Optional

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