This blog is for Agriculture Optional, M.Sc Entrance, AFO, IFFCO, JRF, NABARD, RRB-SO, and STATE Exam.

Agriculture Optional
2 min readAug 13, 2023


The vertical section of the soil showing the various layers from the surface to the unaffected parent material is known as a soil profile.

The various layers are known as horizons. A soil profile contains horizons O, A, B, C and R horizons and all the possible sub-horizons.

O horizon

It is called an organic horizon. It is formed in the upper part of the mineral soil, dominated by fresh or partly decomposed organic materials.

— If the mineral fraction has > 50% clay, then OM is > 30 %
— If the mineral fraction has < 50% clay, then OM is > 20 %

The organic horizons are commonly seen in forest areas and generally absent in grassland, cultivated soils.

Such O horizon is visible in virgin soil and absent in Arable soils.

A horizon

The horizon of organic matter accumulates adjacent to the surface and has lost clay, iron and aluminium. It is a zone of washing out/maximum leaching.

B horizon

The horizon of maximum Illuviation. Horizon in which the dominant features are an accumulation of clay, iron, aluminium or humus alone or in combination.

C horizon

It is the horizon below the solum (A + B), relatively less affected by soil-forming processes. It is outside the zone of major biological activity. It may contain an accumulation of carbonates or sulphates, calcium and magnesium.


Underlying consolidated bedrock and may or may not be like the parent rock from which the solum is formed.



Agriculture Optional

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