Meet Emma! Waypath Product Marketing Lead

Emma Williams
AgriDigital Engineering
2 min readJun 15, 2021

How long have you been at AgriDigital?

I have been with AgriDigital for over two months now, time flies!

Why did you choose Digital Product Marketing?

I like a challenge, and product marketing requires deeper strategic thinking and understanding of many layers. This also means there is greater reward, and satisfaction which I definitely chase. I haven’t always been good at following theory or instructions, product marketing gives me the flexibility to explore outside of what is conventional and challenge traditional thinking.

What is 1 thing you love about working at AgriDigital?

Gosh, there are so many things — finding one has been difficult. I would have to say the culture, which encompasses the attitudes of my colleagues, feeling of cohesiveness and sense that we are all working towards something great. There is a motivation and pride that is evident when speaking with members of the team, which is infectious and breeds confidence!

You recently stepped into a leadership role (Waypath Product Marketing Lead), how did you find stepping into that role?

It has been exciting and seamless thanks to the colleagues in aligned leadership roles, but overwhelming at times! I have very quickly learnt not to be a perfectionist or overthink things.

Being new to the tech space I have wanted to quickly up-skill and be able to contribute with value at every opportunity. Reality is that it will take time, I will need to be guided at different steps and I need to slow down in order to speed up!

What was the personal achievement you did in that role already?

It really is early days and I am still absorbing so much. A win so far has been a successful test case on the impact of targeted, and personalised email campaigns. We still have enormous room to grow, but the campaign insights proved we are definitely on the right track.

What’s one piece of advice you could provide women looking to enter the tech startup space?

Do it! There is an incredible opportunity to learn, fail and transform the way we do business across industries. There is a quote I like regarding how the process is the most important part of the journey, regardless of the outcome — this definitely rings true in the tech startup space.

