Getting to success faster: how Agrilyst onboards new customers

Regina Bellows
3 min readJul 17, 2017


Farmers have more than enough work on their hands. Their days are filled to the brim with growing plants at scale and selling product that is delicate and perishes quickly.

They don’t have spare time to learn new software.

Here at Agrilyst, we work to enable our customers to do what they do best: farm. It devastates us to think of them fumbling around an unfamiliar system… just muddling along, painstakingly clicking and dragging at random.

We couldn’t let that happen, so we focused intently on it.

Our goal is to help every farm see a return on their investment in Agrilyst within 14 days.

Here’s how we do that:

  1. As the customer success manager, I work closely one-on-one with every new Agrilyst customer to ensure a smooth transition.
  2. We hold a series of consultative calls where we come up with a plan — a solid, actionable series of milestones for improving the farm — and then execute that plan.
  3. The plan consists of 4 phases, outlined below. We call it the Farm Success Process.

Every farm has different goals, so each 4-phase plan is created to custom-fit their needs.

It’s like a choose-your-own adventure and the grower gets to decide the ending.

For example, some farms are focused on increasing yield by optimizing production space. Seed-to-harvest traceability and space planning is a top priority for them.

Other farms would like to get to profitability before doing anything else. Forecasting and other high-level insights are what we keep top of mind here.

Some farms are adopting Agrilyst to minimize risk by tracking data that will help them foresee nutrient challenges, pest infestations, and meet food safety specifications.

Whether our customers are looking to increase their margins or standardize operations, the Agrilyst onboarding process is designed to help achieve that desired outcome as efficiently as possible.

The timeline above is a guideline for how long it takes for seamless integration of Agrilyst into a farm’s day-to-day workflow.

We created this onboarding process because we love growers and we want them to succeed. We’re here to guide our customers through this process and into a position where they’re seeing real improvements, fast, with Agrilyst.

If you’d like a quick call to talk about how Agrilyst can help to grow your business, pick a time that works for you. We are excited to help you grow.

Agrilyst is the virtual agronomist powering the horticulture industry. We invite you to join the #DigitalHorticulture movement on social media and share your stories of farm innovation.

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