How to Cultivate Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) DIY experience

Iyan Cahyana
Agro | Farming Agent
4 min readJan 8, 2017


“based on the author’s activities.”

  1. Land Management

Land management is turning over the soil using either modern tools (tractors) or traditional tools (hoes). After that, the cultivated land is needed for one week, and the beds are dug as deep as the leaves of the zhome; this is done to make it easier to apply manure (essential fertilization). Bed size 120 cm, height 30 cm. Processing using drawer garit system. after that, necessary fertilization is carried out and closed again, then leveled.

  1. Basic Fertilization

Basic fertilization is the application of the first fertilizer in the form of mature organic fertilizer (livestock manure). This is because immature waste is hot in nature, so under these conditions, it can cause death in plants because plant roots are not strong enough to withstand heat.

After the soil is processed and perforated, the soil is rested for one week. The manure that is good to use is chicken manure and cow manure because chicken manure and cow manure are easier to obtain in the market, are affordable, or have economic value.

The method of applying manure is that after the chicken and cow manure are mixed, the manure is sprinkled directly into the planting holes at a dose of 350 grams per planting hole in the drawer line.

  1. Planting

Planting is the transfer of plants from the nursery to large areas or gardens. Planting should pay attention to the following activities:

Transfer of Seedlings and Selection of Seedlings.

Transplanting Seeds and Selecting Seeds are done to get simultaneous growth. The requirements for seeds that are ready to be moved to plant in the garden or production land have several physical characteristics, namely:

Growing well and fresh

Number of leaves 2–4 strands,

The leaves are not damaged

Grow strong and upright,

Not attacked by pests and diseases.

Plant Spacing Settings

In setting, this spacing is very influential on the effectiveness of the land, plant growth, and flowering period. Setting the spacing depends on the cultivated variety. The compiler uses the bejo seed variety, so the compiler uses a spacing of 50 cm x 60 cm. This spacing is relatively efficient in terms of land use, and the results are promising because this spacing can accommodate a large enough population to produce large yields. And in between, the compilers plant lettuce crops, or they can also be replaced with other plants.

How to Plant

Planting is carried out in the following stages:

The day before planting, the soil where the nursery is usually watei=to make it easier to transfer the seeds.

Making planting holes according to the spacing that will be made until the base of the plant stem is closed.

Seedlings are planted as deep as the neck of the root or until the cockroaches or piles are buried, and the laying must also be in an upright state.

Plants that have been moved to the production area are immediately doused with water using hymns.

Planting time

The planting was carried out in the afternoon, after 15.00. if you want to intercrop lettuce, then the intercropping plants should be planted before the broccoli plants grow, at least three weeks before planting.

Planting Pattern

The cropping pattern implemented by the author is intercropping (planting two or more types of plants simultaneously on the same piece of land) with a square design consisting of four broccoli plants planted at an angle and between broccoli plants planted with lettuce. Practices like this can add to the profit for the writer.


Stitching is carried out to replace dead or damaged plants so that the production process does not deviate from the initial production estimate. Stitching is carried out 7–14 days after planting (HST) in the following way:

Removing plants that are not growing well, are damaged, or are dead.

Replant new plants of the same age as the plants that were not embroidered in the hole by stockpiling the plants until the bottom is buried so that the plant is in an upright position.

Follow-up Fertilization

Follow-up fertilization that is carried out includes the application of fertilizers based on the use and age of the plants, including the following:

Fertilizer NPK Yara Mila

This fertilizer is applied to plants when they are 1–6 weeks old. Giving is done three times per week as long as the plants are 1–6 weeks old. The dose is 1 gram per plant. 1 kg of NPK fertilizer was mixed with ± 20 liters of water, then sprinkled around the plants or as far as the plant canopy. Fertilization is intended to provide nutrients for plant growth in forming leaves and stems so that plants grow firmly. The NPK fertilizer contains elements including:

Nitrogen (N) is one of the 13 main (essential) elements needed by plants. The thirteen elements of essential and its activities can be scheduled. Every decision-maker and implementation of activities can always be accounted for.



Iyan Cahyana
Agro | Farming Agent

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