Video: How a farm improved irrigation with AgTech

Agroop — Intelligence of Farming
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2019

We’re at Estate Dona Isabel, in the South of Portugal, surrounded by 70 hectares of fruit trees and vegetables. The farm, which is part of farmers’ cooperative Carmo and Silverio, has been going through some very positive changes.

Before, its irrigation cycle had a 24-hour duration. After adopting Agroop’s soil and air sensor and software, they were able to cut down their irrigation cycle to 12 to 16 hours. Which means significant water savings.

With water savings come electricity and even labor savings, farm technician Paulo Coelho tells us.

Why did the company adopt crop monitoring technology? The answer is given to us by Sofia Rodrigues, an agronomist at Carmo and Silverio. “We realized there was a need to monitor irrigation and water needs,” she says. “And Agroop’s probe is currently allowing us to see what the plant needs and to dose the irrigation.”

In the fight against plagues and diseases, technology is a crucial aid

The benefits of Agroop’s technology go beyond irrigation efficiency. Carmo and Silverio also uses it to prevent plagues and diseases from attacking their plants.

“This is an excellent tool because it allows us to parametrize inputs such as temperature and moisture and, with them, we can create alerts and then predict the chance that plagues and diseases will occur,” Paulo Coelho explains.

What does Carmo and Silverio envision for their farm’s future? “We believe that the probe will bring us some profitability and that it will reduce some of our costs, with the efficient usage of water,” Sofia Rodrigues assures us.

Watch the video above to learn more.

Follow Carmo and Silverio’s lead and improve your irrigation with technology. Talk to an expert.



Agroop — Intelligence of Farming
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