COVID diaries — Day 6 — Home-made pizza

Agui Melo
Aguinaldo Melo
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2020

It’s curious how important and high relevant things became, in the course of days, irrelevant matters to our society.

Every morning I try to follow the news. The routine starts with The New York Times, then Lo Angeles Times and after Brazilian newspapers.

LA Times and The Times shift in a matter of days their focus on the presidential election to cover primarily the COVID-19 outbreak. Brazilian newspapers cover mostly focus on national politics and economics.

Five days after I put myself on lockdown, the news everywhere is pretty much the same. Every journalist on this planet is focused on the pandemic.

The difference in each news outlet is basically the coverage of how the outbreak is affecting locally the population, the Times did an outstanding job publishing scientific research appointing if the government didn’t act to contain the pandemic in three months the entire United States will be infested by the virus.

home-made pizza

This is the first time that I saw news outlets suffering to find angles to cover something so big as a pandemic. Our society is so accustomed to living in a place were stories develop in a speed of a tweet, that covers a disease with no clear spreadability, no clear medicine and that the cure could be found only in a near-future became a nightmare.

This creates risks, journalists reporting experimental medicines and causing disruption in the distribution of it, reports of clinical trials as the vaccine is about to be released. But the truth is that there’s no news in any of these fields from the day to the night. Perhaps reporters specialized in science could help us enlightening how science works.

My sixth day in lockdown was a day of cleaning the house. Each day at home is a day to think about myself and my family. But this is a thought to be shared tomorrow.

Oh, after cleaning the apartment with my wife, I baked home-made pizza.

