COVID diaries — Day 4 — I broke the quarantine

Agui Melo
Aguinaldo Melo
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2020

Sao Paulo — Brazil, Thursday, march 19th

Massive lines at a Grocery Store in Sao Paulo, Brazil

We had almost three months to prepare ourselves for this quarantine, but most of the people refuse to accept that the virus will soon arrive at our neighborhood.
I’m not an exception. I have only one mask, luckily my wife bought some alcohol gel, last week.

Last Monday I start to prepare my home for the quarantine. I bought meat and produce. Everything was ready to stay home for at least 10 days.

Again, trying to control the uncontrollable, I failed. My sister in law got conjunctivitis and her three daughters, my father in law aged 60+ years needed grocery products.

To be honest, I hesitated to leave my apartment. I got the only mask available at home and drove all the way to the grocery store.

The place, in downtown, was full of people. I’ve tried to avoid human contact. Some complicated in a place full of people.

I only saw this type of lines during Christmas season at this grocery store in Sao Paulo

After waiting for almost one hour queued, finally bought what I need and I drove to my father in law’s house.

It was scary to be in touch with so many people. It’s was the feeling of walking in a contaminated environment, aware that every place of every object that I touch poses a risk for myself and my family.

Walking between aisles and shelves, I head one attendant talking to a colleague. “When they will make these people stop buying here?”, it’s a clear need for controlling the number of people inside grocery stores, for our good.

Hopefully soon this time will be just harsh memories.

