COVID diaries — Day 5 — Strawberry preserves

Agui Melo
Aguinaldo Melo
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2020

Sao Paulo — Brazil, march, 20, 2020

It’s not easy to know what’s going out there looking at the city from my window. Although, I can notice if there are more or few people, hearing the sound of the streets.

I live a couple of miles far from downtown Sao Paulo, my neighbor uses to be noisy during the week, being more calmly, only on Sundays.

Since last Sunday, every morning we heard the same sound. The quietude gives a sense of heaviness to our days. It’s the music of something going wrong out there.

My view from my window

To keep our mental sanity, talking to friends became a necessity and also a way of knowing what’s going on out there. My cousin is a firefighter and his report wasn’t so overwhelming.
To be honest, hear a report from someone that you know is carrying bodies and that some of the harsh news will be released only next Monday, makes me think.

Empty common areas nearby my home

My wife decided to make a quick break to her quarantine. She brought strawberries and blackberries from the grocery store, so my major assignment today, was to prepare berries preserves for my family.

After five days under the treat of the COVID-19, I could say we must find a way to have a routine in a limited space. My son needs to play, my wife needs to relax, I need to write. All this under the same roof.

There is much more to come. The best that we can do is to remain at home and stay healthy.

Sao Paulo, Brazil

