How To Draw A Zipper In Adobe Illustrator

Edward James Remo
Aguragorn Learned
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2016
I borrowed this image from Andrei Marius’ tutorial (I hope he won’t mind)

I Just Googled

Yeah, because that’s how I learn 94.23% (just a random number) of the things I know… Getting back to the point, I found this tutorial by Andrei Marius. It’s quite detailed and easy to follow. It took me just a whole day! But hey, I’m a beginner here.

Why Draw A Zipper Vector?

Well, I have recently decided to write blogs about things I learned and in the future maybe tutorials on how to do things or solve problems and maybe find myself useful to other people. Guess what, it would be a really boring blog if not an image can be found, right?

Since I’m all about learning, I’d do stuff by myself. Well some of it. My last article (feel free to take a look at it) was about an excel file that is in fact just a zip file, and I wanted an image showing that an excel file is unmasking it’s true identity as a zip file. With that I created a need for me to learn something new.

Taking advantage of the powers of the internet, via the Internet Concierge that goes by the name Google, I was directed to Andrei Marius who taught me how to draw … a zipper.


Please tell me if I am misusing my punctuation marks, or if my grammar is incorrect.

