How To Make Money On Fiverr

Make Money on Fiverr Without Selling Your Soul

Agus Demak
Design & Freelancing


I joined fiverr a little over 2 years ago. Initially, I was just checking out the site to see what the fuss was all about. I just register there and just leave it. In that day I think “will we be richer with just 5 dollar?

Until about 6 months ago I met my friend who active in Fiverr and He show me his revenue in fiverr every month. I am surprised! Than silently I activate my Fiverr again and make a GIG. And WOW, the sales is more than I expected!

When fiverr originally launched, it caught a ton of press and exposure because of their unique business model. Not only that, it was super interesting to see all of the crazy things people were willing to do for 5 bucks.


If you don’t know what fiverr is all about, you can signup on their website and list “gigs” that you are willing to do for $5. Once you sell enough gigs, you become eligible to offer higher priced gigs and can make more money.

Do you actually get $5 bucks for every gig you complete? No. Fiverr takes a 20% cut on every gig. Therefore, your $5 in your pocket payout is now $4. Take out PayPal processing fees and your cut is just under $4 on a 5 dollar gig.


This is where the real challenge of making money on Fiverr comes in. What are you really going to do for a measly $4? What kind of service or product can you offer that provides value but doesn’t bust your hump in the process?

After spending a ton of time on Fiverr’s website looking at popular selling gigs and top rated users, it was clear that the best gigs are either totally unique or completely crazy. However, if you look hard enough, you’ll find some real legitimate gigs for cheap that sell like hot cakes.

You can find everything from logo designers, video editors, business consultants, SEO services, infographic design and tons more. Now whether or not you are getting the highest quality service for 5 bucks is a completely different story. I would recommend sticking with sellers that have high ratings and great testimonials.


Now that you know what the site is all about, let’s talk about how you actually make money on Fivver. The first step is signing up on their website at It’s totally free to sign up and doesn’t cost you any money. You can join using your Facebook account or with an email address. However, if you sign up with your Facebook account you can complete 100% of your user profile (more on that later).

Once you’re logged in, you need create a gig. Under the new and improved Fiverr (V2), you click the Sales link in the top navigation. From there, you can click on “My Gigs” from the right hand side of the page. Now you should see a big green button that says “ADD A NEW GIG”.

There are so many kind that we can sell on Fiverr. You can serve web design, onlineshop developer, website mockup, logo design, online marketing, and many other. Even, you can sell something fun and bizarre.


Here is where you are going to create your gig (aka the service or product you plan to sell for 5 bucks). Start by creating a gig title. Fiverr suggests you offer something that you are really good at. It’s important to remember that when you’re first getting started on Fiverr, you can only sell 5 dollar gigs. In other words, even though you’re good at underwater basket-weaving, if it takes you 10 hours to complete a basket it’s probably not worth your time.

Sell something you think is valuable to somebody else but won’t take you forever to complete. Sure, you may think there isn’t much you are willing to do for $5, but that’s not necessarily the point here. The point is you want to start selling enough gigs with good ratings that you can “level up” and start selling “extras”.


Extras are add-ons that you can tack on to your gig once you have acheived level 1 seller status. The way to acheive level 1 seller status is to be signed up for at least 30 days with Fiverr and completed 10 orders while maintaining excellent ratings.

You may think 10 orders and excellent ratings is difficult to accomplish. However, I find that if you are offering real value, it’s hard to piss someone off enough to leave you negative feedback. Remember, the key is hitting 10 sales while fulfilling your orders.


Fulfilling orders means delivering your gig on time within the time frame you specified. What’s great is you can specify how long it will take you to complete your gig (up to 29 days) before the user buys it. I would suggest you try delivering your gigs in the shortest amount of time possible. Buyers don’t want to wait and tend to want everything yesterday.

If you set a shorter delivery time than your competition offering a similar gig but takes longer to deliver, you probably have a good shot at selling your gig based on faster turn around time. Besides, you can always change this later and lengthen your delivery time should you get a ton of orders all at once.


In order to complete your gig listing, you need to pick a category and provide a description. In version 2 of Fiverr, you can format your description text and really make it pop using a simple WYSIWYG editor.

However, before anybody sees your gig description, they will be browsing the website and see your gig picture. Don’t overlook this opportunity because you will need to stand out of the crowd in order to get noticed. Try making your gig thumbnail pop by using bright colors and large, easy to read font that clearly describes your offer.


Another thing to note is Fiverr will allow you to upload a video into your gig gallery. Fiverr claims that gigs with videos are viewed almost 3X more often than gigs without video. In addition, one of preset search filters on the website are searching gigs with videos.

Once you have uploaded either a picture or video to your gig gallery, you can tag your gig with up to 5 keywords and provide any special instructions to the buyer (if necessary). Also, if you’re actually selling a physical good rather than a virtual service, you need to specify shipping charges.

Other than that, you’re pretty much done with your first Fiverr gig listing. After you publish your gig, it may need review before going live on the website. My very first gig was automatically reviewed but approved within 24 hours.


After your gig has been approved and is listed as active in your Fiverr dashboard, you should start promoting it to your friends, family, and anybody else you think might be interested in buying your product or service. For instance, if you’re on Twitter, tweet it. Tons of friends on Facebook? Post it!

You may be asking yourself, what if you don’t have any friends or family or use social media? Can you still sell gigs on Fiverr? Can you still make money?

Although I firmly believe that you will have more success and sell more gigs if you promote your gig outside of Fiverr, you don’t necessarily need to. I sold my very first gig without doing any promotion at all. I simply threw up a gig and it sold within a few days.

Here is the great article about How to promote your fiverr gig for free!


The success didn’t last long though. I delivered my first gig and received positive feedback from the buyer. At this point, I thought I could leave this thing on cruise control and the orders would continue to roll in.

Wrong. I didn’t receive any orders for months after my first gig sold. It also didn’t help that my gig was suspended because I was inactive on Fiverr’s site for so long. NOTE: Fiverr wants to make sure their community remains active and if you go missing in action, it’s a bad look for Fiverr when buyers place orders that don’t get fulfilled.

So now that I was 4 dollars richer, I knew it was “possible” to make money on Fiverr. How much was yet to be determined. I reactivated my gig and without any other promotion orders continue to roll in. I just completed a gig earlier this evening.


By no means am I going to become a millionaire selling Fiverr gigs. However, I have learned quite a bit and earned just over $100 in the past month or so. More importantly, Fiverr has helped me gain more confidence in my own ability to sell.


Moving forward, I will continue selling on Fiverr because I have only scratched the service. My goal is to achieve Level 2 seller status and make more money. 5 dollar gigs are nice but $5, $10, $20, and $40 gig extras are even nicer.

Also, I want to test using video in my gigs as a way to sell. Trust on a site like Fiverr goes a long way. I believe that you can build trust quicker through video if done correctly. This is an experiment I will be testing soon.

Meanwhile, I want to offer more gigs. I started out with only 1 gig but added another similar gig a short time later. The second gig is just now getting some traction and I continue to get great feedback from both.


If you are interested in making money on Fiverr, give it a shot and you may surprise yourself. Do your homework though and really think about something you can sell that provides value and doesn’t suck the soul out of you. You may only be a few minutes away from being 5 dollars richer!

Happy Freelancing!

