LODE 2020 Vision Roadmap: The Future Ahead

LODE Project
Published in
6 min readDec 31, 2019

Building a silver-monetary system for a global economy is no simple feat.

It involves boldly pushing boundaries through the ever-changing landscape of regulation that comes with blockchain-related projects. It means navigating uncharted territory, collaborating with titans of industry and building a solid foundation to shape the world of tomorrow.

2019 was a major victory for the project. Despite the challenges, and thanks to the resilient community backing it, the LODE Project has made major strides. To take the project from concept to reality and launching it, is only the beginning!

Every step forward has been taken with the LODE Vision in mind. The vision is simple: to restore silver to the monetary system as the bedrock for sound money.

With that mandate in mind this year, the LODE Project has laid out a stable and secure foundation needed to build this silver-money system and put a sound medium of exchange back into the hands of the people.

Thanks to LODE Service Providers’ expertise and dedication, the project has overcome many headwinds over the past year.

In response to some of these challenges, one major milestone worth highlighting was the establishment of the LODE Association.

The LODE Association is headquartered in Liechtenstein because of the country’s forward-thinking support to asset-backed digital currencies, which will enable the project to expand globally and ensure its long-term sustainability.

Now, let us take a look at other major accomplishments of 2019 made possible by the LODE Service Providers:

  • Introduced Hyperledger as the central ledger in the system
  • Minted and distributed all LODE and AGX balances to members on Hyperledger
  • Integrated Hyperledger with the Syscoin blockchain — the first step towards building a multi-ledger that will include other blockchains
  • Paid out the first AGX Micro-payout (reward) to LODE Token Holders (Oct 2019)
  • Designed, developed and approved the AGXPay Wallet mobile app on Google Play and Apple’s App Store
  • Enabled seamless purchase of AGX Coins with major credit cards through silver cards
  • Provided the community with the choice to hold AGX Coins on Hyperledger or move them to the Syscoin blockchain. Members who chose to move AGX Coins to Syscoin made their AGX Coins 100% spendable and transferable to peers.

Trade & Commerce

  • Successfully launched AGX Markets that already features 300+ listings of products, services, media and travel that can be paid for with AGX Coins
  • Enabled zero cash transaction fees on AGX Markets, and ensured no costs are associated with joining or listing offers on the platform
  • Facilitated transactions via the AGXPay Wallet app by allowing members to simply scan a QR code at checkout to complete the transaction between buyer and seller

LODE Token & AGX Coin Minting

  • Over 14.3 million LODE Tokens minted on Hyperledger
  • 5.2 million AGX Coins minted on Hyperledger and Syscoin
  • Over 275,000 AGX Coins paid as rewards in the first payout cycle
  • Over 13 million Genesys-1 Block minting of LODE Tokens on Syscoin 3 Network

Marketing & Communication

  • Increased availability of the Intercom Support Team to seven days a week
  • Achieved less than 1 hour average response time for all LODE Community member inquiries by the Intercom Support Team
  • Grown the LODE Community by 30% in just 1 year
  • Successfully rebranded LODE TV to AGX Media and increased subscribers by 1,200 on YouTube alone
  • Increased video viewership by over 100,000 views
  • Increased LODE Project video watch time by over 10,200 hours
  • Released the updated Project Paper, Technical Whitepaper, Transparency Report, and the Evans & Evans Report to increase transparency for community members

With all these great breakthroughs, we can now take a look at what lies ahead.

What can the LODE Community expect moving forward?

LODE Service Providers will focus efforts on developing the project’s infrastructure, utility, and exchangeability; offer additional merchant services, B2B services, and AGX Products; and, further expand the project’s ecosystem (see image below).


LODE would not be a true monetary system without enabling its community to transact with digital silver in exchange for tangible goods and services. This includes financial instruments like investments and other currencies. That is why a huge focus for 2020 will be on pursuing liquidity solutions for the LODE Community. Possible solutions that will be explored include, but are not limited to:

  • Exchanges
  • Bullion Dealers
  • Credit Card Programs that facilitate Point of Sale payments at any location credit cards are accepted.
  • Fiat Conversions
  • PoS terminal payments

While it is the project’s intent to explore these avenues, it is important to understand that each option would be a massive undertaking that requires third-parties and months of multi-team collaboration to bring them to life. The LODE Service Providers are excited to explore each option and bring new opportunities to the table in the new year. Thank you for your continued support!

Diving a little deeper, here is an overview of 2020 roadmap (separated by focus area):

Enable LODE Token peer-to-peer transfers on Hyperledger Fabric

Although AGX Coins can easily be transferred to peers, LODE Tokens need to be too. That is why the team is working diligently to enable the transferability of LODE Tokens across the blockchain.

  • Visa/Mastercard Rails integrated into the AGXPay Wallet

Allowing community members to seamlessly purchase digital silver with any major credit card.

  • Enable back-end Baton™ operation so users can transfer AGX Coins seamlessly across blockchain networks

For now, AGX Coins can be transferred from Hyperledger to Syscoin via the LODE Project’s Baton. As the project evolves, more blockchain networks will be integrated with the project and the Baton will enable transferability across blockchains.

  • Bullion Dealers Alliance and Bullpen API

Foster a global alliance between bullion dealers, connecting them through a unique API (“The Bullpen”) to share inventory and access a global network of precious metals buyers and sellers.
- Automate AGX supply changes based on vault reported balances

Trade and Commerce

To make the system truly global, the project will continue to pursue partnerships and encourage businesses to amplify the availability and use of AGX considerably. Here are just a couple of the focuses for 2020:

  • Full activation of Global Merchant networks

The focus will be on upgrading AGX Markets with thousands of merchants, vendors, hospitality groups and media companies to ensure vast AGX spending opportunities locally and worldwide while providing an extraordinary user experience and a secure platform for digital-silver purchases.

  • Distribution Channels

The project is actively looking for communities and industries such as remittances or loans, to that will benefit from the power of modern silver-money.

The time for digital silver is now.

With all these plans in place, the LODE Community can rest assured that 2020 will be the worldwide breakout year for LODE and AGX.

LODE Community Members possess a bold sense of identity, bound by a shared ethos and commitment to put the world’s oldest form of money — silver — back to work.

The LODE Community understands that the future of money needs to be a balance between the old and the new. The new provides freedom, speed, innovation and access to experiences. The old insures stability, wealth, legacy and trust.

The advent of blockchain technology has inspired a new paradigm, one where it is possible to bridge both these old and new features to money through a resilient, inflation-resistant asset known as silver.

The LODE Community is truly creating the future of money right before your very eyes. Thank you for your patience and continued support for the LODE Project!

Get involved and join the growing global ecosystem of LODE Token Holders, AGX Coin Users, affiliates, ambassadors, merchants, retailers, bullion dealers, miners, and investors.

Be part of the LODE Digital Silver-Money Revolution today.



LODE Project
Editor for

The LODE Project is a collectively organized community of sound money advocates. The mandate of the community is to restore silver to the monetary system.