The ‘Greatest Depression’ Coming, Do This To Protect Yourself — Gerald Celente

Sarah Benali
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2019

The greatest depression is coming and nobody is really prepared for it, this according to one longtime forecaster.

Speaking with AGXm, the Trends Journal publisher Gerald Celente said:

“All over the world people have had it. They’re rising up against the inequality and loss of freedoms. It’s going to affect the global economy in so many ways.

This is going to have a huge effect on what’s going on in the future and it doesn’t look very bright.”

The expert’s bearish outlook extends to markets, which he believes to be rigged — rigged by the Federal Reserve and “banksters” that are dumping trillions of dollars to prop them up.

“They’re making up new stuff to keep the game going…We’re going to do whatever we can to prop up the economy prior to the 2020 presidential reality show that people call the election,” he said.

“They are artificially propping up equity markets…it’s slowing down the movement of gold because people are going into equity markets and no longer looking for safe-haven assets.”

So, how can people beat the game?

“Gold is the ultimate safe haven,” he said.

“People are also going to go more into cryptocurrencies — those who do not go in gold and silver,” he added.

Celente said he also sees a trend that governments will jump on the crypto bandwagon, which will be sparked by economic upheaval.

“We’re also seeing a big trend where when the greatest depression hits, get ready for a whole new world of official government cryptocurrencies,” he said.

“One of the ways they’re not going to pay back the debt is to create a new coin of the realm and it’ll all be digital.”

But, if you really want to protect yourself against the future downturn, Celente shared these final words:

“The best thing to do is to get into the best shape you can — physically, emotionally and spiritually,” he said.

“Knowledge is power and that’s what people are going to need to thrive and survive with what’s coming ahead.”

