Paul Otto
AH Politics
Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2017

by Jurg Friedli

There might be one or the other who will ask: Huh ? I have heard about Biafra, but what’s Ambazonia ?

As you know, I have family in Cameroon, actually in the French-speaking part of Loum, which is about 10 miles from the “Ambazonian” border, generally called the English speaking part of Cameroon called the South-West. Cameroon has been first a German, then a French and British colony, and the French finally won leaving the UK only with that South-Western part under their control.

You might compare the South-West, which is a province, to a US state, although it has not the freedom, the sort of autonomy US states have to my knowledge. And the South-West has — oil. Now, the eternal French-protected president Paul Biya has put a hard grip on that part because they feel discriminated by the French-speaking majority and try to get independent. And they are. That’s why they want to get independent as — Ambazonia. And that region is more developed than the rest — intellectually and economically.

Just like the Catalans in Spain, Basques, Scots, Welsh…..numerous to find.

Paul Biya had cut internet for months in that state, teachers and local authorities reacted with strikes and shop shutdowns……open end. People were killed by soldiers up north. No solution yet. Why ?

Because on the other side of the border you find Nigeria, and the South-East of Nigeria used to be the short-lived country of Biafra. Nigeria is Anglophone, and the region bordering “Ambazonia” has — oil.

Now, you know that African peoples have been divided by European colonists, borders being created and countries being founded, so who would wonder now that you will find the same ethnic tribes in South-East Nigeria as well as in South-West Cameroon ? The same is the case for Ghana, Benin, Togo etc.. Artificial countries, divided people.

And — as I said they have oil.

Nigeria has, apart from scattered remains of native religions, Christianity and Islam as main religions. North = Islam, South = Christian. Same as Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Benin, Ghana….the line between religions is about 200–500 miles south of the Sahara.

Now, the South has oil and resources, the North has not. Means that groups like Boko Haram or the Fulani Herdsmen don’t have mainly religion in view when they start infiltrating the Christian South, but — resources. Many, mostly illiterate poor peasants, may be guided by religion and believe such paroles of their leaders, but in the end it’s power and resources.

Remember Ken Saro- Wiwa ?

That concerns Biafra. And people there have not forgotten. It all comes back to us Westerners as well, when we fuck up other places. Maybe in form of refugees from war or poverty….

The main point is that I’m pretty sure that Biafra 2.0 and Ambazonia will try to form a new country together in the end, although there’s no talk about it now. Too dangerous at the moment.

But when 35-year-leader Paul Biya in Cameroon dies, we will probably see a new bloody civil war in that region emerging.

Colonization has influence up to today. You can see that in all regions from the Middle East to Africa.



Paul Otto
AH Politics

CTO, Loomo. Product Manager, Co Author, 'Scourge of Hope'.