Insane Title Tricks — 90% of Blog Writers Don’t Know About

Karthik Rajan
Aha Moments
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2024


Surgeons exist as specialist in the world of doctors. Why aren’t there title specialist in the world of writers? That gets rectified today.

If content is goat, the title is the marketing nirvana. Readers make a snap decision on whether to dwell their next few minutes in what you have to say. The title is a hook. And good hooks are measured on few metrics: clear on area of focus, simple, truthful (not salesy click baits), visual and unusual. Let’s list a few of my favorites and how they fare on these metrics.

1. “Thanks for not buying popcorn from my son” — by Trey Tomkins.

This title hits it out of the park on multiple dimensions. It’s simple with one central idea. It’s unusual in that it doesn’t include a key word — “You”. That word is implicit but not explictly on your face in the title.

It also includes the word — “my”. That makes it specific. It has a visual of a real world object which is popcorn. It has a characteristics of news headlines — the negative tone with not. But it still feels OK to read it.

Just brilliant.

2. “Keanu Reeves Rarely Talks About Money — but When He Does, It’s Life-Changing” — By Tim Denning.



Karthik Rajan
Aha Moments

Stories to fuel your mind. Theme: life’s hidden treasures in plain sight. Goal: Warm tone, solid content, crisp stories. About me: one google search away.