What’s the Best Gift You’ve Ever Received? What Does It Mean To You?

My (unusual) 2 cents to this Medium Prompt

Karthik Rajan
Aha Moments


Photo by Julia M Cameron

Few years ago, I visited India for a wedding, an elderly woman in her late 80’s or early 90’s was seated in the front row with a vantage view of the proceedings. As I was walking by, she gently clasped my hands. I bent over to hear her words, she pointed to something and asked me — “what is that stick, looks like my walking stick?” I looked up to trace her view , “ha, that one, it is called the selfie stick — to take your own photos.”

She gave it a deep thought and said, why is the young generation so obsessed with selfies? I just looked at her and smiled. Without much thought, I picked up my digital SLR camera hanging on my neck, arched backwards and clicked her before she could object.

I then moved to her side, bent my knees and showed her the candid shot on the camera screen — a radiant smile enshrined her face. Engrossed for a moment, she said –“the picture brought me back my happy memories, I was a shy girl.”

Sometimes, the best gifts are stories of a different kind. As much as we think we are generationally different, at our core, we are all the same. What distinguishes us are our varying context based on our own experiences.



Karthik Rajan
Aha Moments

Stories to fuel your mind. Theme: life’s hidden treasures in plain sight. Goal: Warm tone, solid content, crisp stories. About me: one google search away.