Photo: Robert Roy Britt

How to Make Earth Livable Again

One expert’s optimistic, pragmatic plan to solve the climate crisis

Robert Roy Britt
Aha! Science
Published in
10 min readJul 30, 2024


“Clean energy and green solutions do so much more than solve the climate crisis. They clean our air and water.”
—Rob Jackson

Once upon a time, predictions of a warming planet seemed far, far away, a problem for future generations to solve. Then eventually — as in now — the prognostications became clear and present dangers: off-the-charts hurricanes, tornadoes where they’re not supposed to be, floods upon floods amid decades-long droughts, community-devouring wildfires, ungodly heat waves, rising seas and collapsing polar ice sheets.

In his surprisingly uplifting new book, Into the Clear Blue Sky: The Path to Restoring Our Atmosphere, Stanford professor of energy and environment Rob Jackson, PhD, takes a refreshingly positive if pragmatic look at how we still have an opportunity to clear the air for the sake of routine health and put Earth back on a path toward habitability and sustainability. But first, he states the problem bluntly:

“Fossil fuels are making the Earth unlivable and — even ignoring climate change — they are deadly,” he writes.



Robert Roy Britt
Aha! Science

Editor of Aha! and Wise & Well on Medium + the Writer's Guide at Author of Make Sleep Your Superpower: