Does Everyone Fart? How Often?

People pass a lot of wind. So let’s talk about why and what can (or should) be done to curb your gastrointestinal enthusiasm.

Robert Roy Britt
Aha! Science
Published in
5 min readOct 15, 2021


Image: Pixabay / RobinHiggins

Let’s just pass this fact out right now: Farting is normal and everyone does it. Anyone who says they don’t is either lying or impossibly uncomfortable. But flatulence generates more snickers than thoughtful discussion, so I’m here to clear the air a bit.

By some estimates, a typical human generates about a third of a gallon of gas a day and lets it out in one or two dozen poofs of varying sound and smell levels. One study found that healthy people might fart about seven times a day, while people who complain about their flatulence are letting loose more than 20 times a day. Whatever the true total, rectal catheters long ago revealed that women fart as much as men.

Meanwhile, the impression of old farts — or rather old people farting incessantly — is a bit of a myth, though with a grain of truth to it.

Farting knows no age constraints

Younger adults appear to complain more about flatulence and discomfort with intestinal gas than older people, according to a new survey of 6,000 people in the United States, Mexico, and the U.K. Among the top complaints people…



Robert Roy Britt
Aha! Science

Editor of Aha! and Wise & Well on Medium + the Writer's Guide at Author of Make Sleep Your Superpower: