Orca vs. Great White Shark: Who Wins?

Now we know, as an attack between these apex predators is caught on camera for the first time

Richard Gordon
Aha! Science


Photo by Mile Ribeiro: Pexels

Conservationist Esther Jacobs got the call that a duo of notorious killer whales were in the bay. The two orcas are known as Port and Starboard for their fins that collapse in opposing directions (right and left — hence the names).

Jacobs rushed for her boat and immediately went in search of this roaming pair. She spotted the giant marine mammals easily but noticed they were behaving slightly off, as they weren’t side by side, which normally they are. Jacobs decided to follow Starboard, who then disappeared underneath, and there was silence. Both orcas were out of sight.

Her fellow conservationist friend then pointed, “There’s a white shark!” And the unmistakable fin of the great white breached the surface.

“That moment I always get when I see a white shark is so exciting!” Jacobs said. “Then I saw Starboard approaching from behind, and my stomach dropped. It was actually very devastating to see Starboard thrust forward and to grab the white shark in its jaws… It was very honed, very quick, and very precise!”

