5 Tips To Calm Yourself If You’re Afraid Of Public Speaking

AHH! So you’re giving a speech and you have a fear of public speaking (Glossophobia)! Don’t freak out. Almost everyone I know has this social anxiety. There are 5 tips on how to calm yourself down before your presentation.

Picturing everyone else is naked right now.

1. Map out your speech

If you are a visual person, draw a chart and have physical lines and markers to “map out” your topic. There is no perfect way to do this, but it helps you understand where you are going with your speech and how to navigate it.

2. Practice your speech in different locations, varying body positions, and at different times of the day

Being able to deliver your speech in these diverse ways makes you more flexible and prepared for the big day. The best thing you can do is be flexible. If you practice your speech always at the same time, the same way, with the same mindset you will start to associate your speech with these cues. Be able to deliver your speech in whatever form it comes.

Still feeling nervous? How about more tips?

Try out AhaSlides for free to create interactive presentations now!

