Looking For Another Way To Start A Presentation? 6 Tips For You To Begin Your Speech.

Fantastic, you’re giving a presentation! Let me be the first one to say, congratulations! You know what the topic is, and you have a rough idea of how it’ll go, but you don’t know how to start a presentation.

Gatsby is proud of you.

You’re going to get a lot of advice on how to deliver a speech, what to wear, which software to use, and honestly, a lot of that is going to be great advice! An introduction is crucial to engaging your audience and there are so many directions you can go. You can be funny, sincere, shocking, relatable, anything you want to be. However, the following advice is taken from bits and pieces from other presenters I admire and from my experience as an audience member. Here are six ways to start a presentation.

1. How to Introduce yourself in a presentation

My favorite advice on how to introduce yourself in a presentation is from Conor Neill. He describes that the best way to introduce yourself is to pretend like you’re meeting people for the first time at a bar. It sounds weird but stay with me here.

WikiHow shows you how to do it.

You wouldn’t go up to a group of people and say a monotonous, “Hi, I’m Stacy, I’ve been an economic biologist for 40 years, and I’m presenting on the microeconomics of ants.” People would walk away and think you’re weird. Be personable and relatable. Engage with your audience like you’re trying to make a friendship.

But is that enough? Maybe if you check out the other 6 tips it will!

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AhaSlides — Interactive Presentation Software

AhaSlides, the online interactive presentation tool created to turn you — the speaker — into the real star on stage. Website: ahaslides.com