Latex Best Practices

Published in
9 min readMay 14, 2018


Photo by Bia W. A. on Unsplash

If you cannot read this article on Medium, you can head over here to read the full version!

Completing a PhD can be a hell of a task. It took me lots of time to be able to come up with a framework that optimises how i do research and how i write and publish my research. This post discusses some of the tools and techniques i used in addition to LaTEX best practices. These are gathered either by experience, online search and most importantly the wisdom of my PhD supervisor @Raphael Troncy.

I hope this post can help you complete your PhD smoothly.

You can head to my PhD Github repository to see all my LaTEX recommendations in action

Mendeley and Bibliography Management

Doing effective and genuine research requires that you familiarise yourself with the state of the art in your field. This requires reading tons of journal, conference and workshop papers. However, after some time, recalling what you have read and being able to effectively reference that in your research becomes a daunting task.

I personally found Mendeley a great tool to arrange my bibliography. It has loads of features, but i have used it mainly to arrange my digital research library. I have used Mendeley basically as follows:

  • As i did not have a specific research topic…




Knowledge Seeker and Software Engineer. Head of Engineering @Beamery