Made the wrong order .. no problem !

Transform MacBook Keyboard layout

Transform International English layout into US English

Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2020


Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

If you were like me and had the unfortunate event of ordering the wrong keyboard layout for your new and expensive MacBook Pro, and you just have years of muscle memory built on your favourite keyboard layout, there is hope!

For me, the problem was not very dramatic, I got an International English instead of the US English, so basically I got this:

Mac International English Keyboard Layout

instead of:

Mac US English Keyboard Layout

The Solution

Karabiner-Elements is a powerful and stable keyboard customizer for macOS. In order to satisfy the slight differences, I now want to replace the ~ with the left shift key to emulate the long shift key I am used to and then replace the section sign § with the ~.

It took me a while to understand where the hell is the section sign in Karabiner but finally this got everything working:

Karabiner configuration

I hope this solves some of your problems !




Knowledge Seeker and Software Engineer. Head of Engineering @Beamery