Awesome 2011

Ahmed Adeyanju
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2012

Hi. Bye.
You don’t get off that easily! I want to try something different this time.

This year I became confident. I made choices, some of them smart ones and the others haven’t quite borne fruit yet. But, they were my choices and I’m proud that I can say that.

This year, I got a B.A, delivered a major national youth conference. I got enormous responsibilities at work and thoroughly enjoyed executing all of them. I met awesome, determined young people through the Enterpreneurship Development Programme, the Writers Workshop, the TV Presenters workshop and the Photography workshop. All of which I designed curricula for and had the honour of a beautiful team to help me execute. This part of my year was excellent, I grew up. Then I quit my job. Thank you, Chude, Debola, Kofoworola, Damilola, Chizoma, Aninoritse, Kenneth, Demola and Samuel for a glorious 10 months.

I joined an impossibly cool virtual community of pro-active young people from all over the world -Challenge:Future- and served in the Writer Action Team. Teamed up with the irrepressibly active Nubi Kayode to create #LLM for the Challenge:Future competition and got to the finals! Fingers crossed on winning that this year.

Days after I quit my first job, I got another. Went on to NYSC camp in Bayelsa, met some really cool people especially The Dania. Got back to Lagos and joined an even more incredible team. JPM, I have learnt so much from you these past few months but I daresay the greatest, coolest thing I have gotten from you is the confidence to do what I do best and the opportunity to have joy in doing it. You are by far the coolest boss I’ve had yet, you and SM have been founts of inspiration for me.

I fell in love in 2011. Yes, Rabbit.

This year, my objectives are simple. Work smarter, read more books, visit even more countries (added two more to my “done” list in 2011), and finally begin to learn French.

Random pictures from my 2o11[gallery link=”file” orderby=”post_date”]. Enjoy.

