I Wonder

Ahmed Adeyanju
Published in
2 min readSep 30, 2011

Today, i wonder about stretching the limits of the impossible, about reconsidering reality and about the beauty of life and living. Enjoy the post and share afterwards, the things that you wonder about. Let’s make this list as long as we possibly can. Thanks!

I wonder what the world thought of the first person who got into water and swam. Ever.

I wonder how conventions came to be and what it would take to make them all come crashing down.

[caption id=”attachment_131" align=”aligncenter” width=”294" caption=”Courage is Fear”]


I wonder at the power of guts. I’m in awe of courage that defies logic or market forces.

I wonder at the bliss of greenery, the fury of bile and the indifference of the cosmos.

I wonder at the beauty of imperfections, the dimpled cheek, the gap-toothed smile, the waves in the hair, the absence of melanin.

[caption id=”attachment_132" align=”aligncenter” width=”300" caption=”It is beautiful. (Sorry, Asa. :)”]


I wonder at the genius of childhood, the miracle that is speech, the magnetism of charisma, and the seduction of death.

I wonder that I wander. The lust for new sights, the beauty of wings that take flight.

I wonder if you are wondering. Are you?

