The #OccupyNigeria Survival Guide

Ahmed Adeyanju
Published in
1 min readJan 8, 2012

We’ll get right to the point. There will be a massive protest tomorrow against the inefficiency and callousness of the government. This protest was sparked into life by the removal of the subsidy on PMS and demands, besides the reinstatement of the subsidy, greater accountability from the government and a drastic cut in the cost of governance.

In support of the movement, we have designed a Survival Guide that brings together in one document instructions and tips on how to stay safe throughout the duration of the occupation. Please download the #OccupyNigeria Survival Guide here: OccupyNigeria_SurvivalGuidePDF

Other colleagues have been working on other aspects. There is a very useful post here that lists “What You Should Know if Arrested While Protesting

Be Brave, Be Cautious. #OccupyNigeria
Medex Deyanz

