Idea + Criteria Matrix

POLLY — Idea+Criteria Matrix

For this week’s thesis assignment, we were tasked with creating a matrix seeing how ideas and criteria (for users as well as what we personally wish to accomplish) intersect in order for to help us either eliminate non-critical concepts or double down on ones we realize are essential.

For my ideas, I have listed more of a list of features that my political app POLLY could have. The hard part for me is that this long process has produced a multitude of features and ideas. Most of them have validity to them. For user needs, I listed every single criteria I could think of that could affect how the user learns about politics as well as how likely they are to return to the app. I have user tested some of the concepts recently and gotten useful feedback. Most of the features, albeit very much unfinished and roughly prototyped were nonetheless well-received. We debated the merits of each features. I received some solid feedback on how some of them could work better with young people. I would love to learn during our next class critique, how to edit features or if it’s necessary to edit at this point.

This will be a useful chart to reference as I continue prototyping the product experience with the target user group, as I continue on my quest to figure out how to get young pre-voters more into a civics state of mind.



Addi Hou
Thesis — Aligning Voters & Candidates Through Design

I am a Product Designer in both the physical and digital realms. I have always loved writing too, so feel free to read my intermittent musings here.