Meet CAiRE, An End-to-End Empathetic Conversation Chatbot

Christopher Dossman
AI³ | Theory, Practice, Business


Empathetic chatbots are conversational agents that can understand users’ emotion and reply appropriately. Incorporating empathy into the dialogue system is essential to achieve human-like conversations because naturally, humans express and perceive emotion in natural language to increase their sense of social bonding.

Practically, a multi-task training strategy with an additional objective function to optimize emotion label prediction of a conversation can produce more emotion-evoking and responses.

Center for Artificial Intelligence Research (CAiRE)

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology researchers recently presented an end-to-end empathetic conversation agent called CAiRE. Their system adapts TransferTransfo learning approach that fine-tunes a large-scale pre-trained language model with multi-task objectives including response language modeling, response prediction and dialogue emotion detection.

This model is trained with the full Transformer network architecture on 1.7 billion REDDIT conversations and fine-tunes pre-trained model using the Emotion Dialogue Dataset.

The fine-tuning schema for empathetic dialogues

On evaluation with recently proposed empathetic-dialogues dataset CAiRE achieves state-of-the-art performance on dialogue emotion detection and empathetic response generation.

Potential Uses and Effects

Would you want an empathetic bot as a companion? Empathetic bots such as CAiRE are designed to cheerfully probe. Their emotion-laden responses and ability to probe longer answers can help improve engagement and people analysis with great potential to improve applications such as online surveys, games, entertainment, hiring, and more.

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