An Update on the Fiction Writing Contest

The deadline has been extended until June 30!

Jeff Hayward


A flashy photo to get your attention. From author using Midjourney

Ai-YO, readers!

Just a quick update:

Thank you to all three of you that have submitted to our first fiction writing contest so far.

However, to beef up the competition, I have decided to extend the submission deadline to June 30 at 11:59 p.m.

Since it’s our first contest, we weren’t sure how long to leave the entries open. Looks like that’s longer than two weeks.

Remember, the winner will be chosen by number of claps. That means those who are already published in the contest have more time to show off their story!

To reward these writers for their early entries, here they are:

If you need more details about what/how to submit your contest entry, read this:

Remember, since we’re a boosting publication, any of the entries are eligible for a boost on top of being eligible to win the contest prize money!

Speaking of boosts, here are a couple of great pieces that have won the curators over recently:

Be sure to give them some love!

Well, that’s about it for now.

One favour: I’ve created a new list, so please follow along to be notified about future publication updates and news!

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Thanks! I look forward to seeing more fiction contest submissions!

Jeff, the editor



Jeff Hayward

Ex-reporter. AI critic. Nostalgia lover. Follow my publications Ai-Ai-OH and CanadEH.