Killer Robot Dogs of Your Nightmares May Soon Be Unleashed

The U.S. military is reportedly testing out a potential new Ai-assisted attack hound

Jeff Hayward
Published in
4 min readMay 10, 2024


From author using Midjourney

Did you see the episode of Black Mirror where the robot dogs hunt down humans?

It aired about seven years ago. At the time, it seemed an unlikely possibility. Something to worry about in the far future, or maybe not at all.

But as this article explains, the reality could be a lot closer than expected.

It explains that the U.S. Marine Forces Special Operations Command are testing “four-legged unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) armed with artificial intelligence-enabled rifles.”

According to the article, these robots can automatically detect targets, but require “authorization” from humans to finish the job.

While it’s said that these newest wave of robots will need approval from a human before killing, how can we be sure? How will a robot fitted with an artificial brain feel empathy for a target?



Jeff Hayward

Ex-reporter. I like to write about stuff from the past, and stuff in the future.